Design Addict


how much should i p...

how much should i pay for a bofinger farmer's chair?  


Trusted Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 40
08/11/2009 8:54 pm  

How rare are they in red/black?

Pretty much love this one:

The color really looks cool - but is 275 euro a reasonable price? the ones in black with beige linnen hardly cost more than a hundred euros...

Illustrious Member
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08/11/2009 10:42 pm  

Now here's
a design that any reasonably able carpenter could re-create with ease, I'd think. The example shown seems a bit lumpy and ragged (in terms of the fabric, anyway ) -- thus lowering the bar for those wanting to pay a lot less than the asking price !
(I'm not quite sure what keeps this chair from racking out of square fairly easily -- but I haven't seen one up close to investigate the matter.)

Trusted Member
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Posts: 40
09/11/2009 2:54 pm  

i thought ...
the design was pretty much a classic?
i like it because it reminds me of a chair my parents had when i was a kid. it was probably ikea or something comarable but had nearly the same shape and the same fabrics.
is there anybody else who did chairs similar to that one?


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