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How do I sell furni...

How do I sell furniture in London without going on eBay?  


Lit Up
Illustrious Member
Joined: 15 years ago
Posts: 531
02/07/2020 8:57 am  

I would usually sell on eBay but I'm worried about people paying with paypal, collecting in person or with a courier and then making a chargeback and me not being protected. Sure I can ask for cash on collection but I can't insist on it if using eBay. I'm selling some Ladderax, by the way.

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Posts: 1
02/07/2020 9:44 am  
I believe that no goods need to be paid immediately, for this there is courier delivery. It has always been safe.

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Posts: 1
28/12/2020 5:12 pm  

If your Ladderax is described properly so everything about condition is in the condition section above the listing you are covered. If you have anything that isn't original ( hinges, locks, feet, lights, keys) on it or anything that doesn't work properly you should say so-if you don't the buyer can say it wasn't mentioned in the condition section, it's miss-sold and they can force you to pay for it to be returned as well as a full refund under ebays rules. It's maybe better to sell everything in vgc  only on ebay.


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