Design Addict


a hope and a prayer...

a hope and a prayer....  

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Noble Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 207
06/03/2011 5:44 pm  

2nd interview!!
Everything went great!! but i still have a phone interview with the Vice President of the company this week...never have done one of those...anyway, after having been there-AMAZING work....soo much eye-candy!!!

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 1879
06/03/2011 5:56 pm  

Congrats Marty! I wish you...
Congrats Marty! I wish you the best of luck. Make sure to tell them you' are a design addict regular, you'RE bound to get the job 😉

Famed Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 393
06/03/2011 6:10 pm  

Crossing my fingers for ya, Matty
(But, better not mention the Design Addict thing until this thread is ancient history...)

Illustrious Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 1155
06/03/2011 6:44 pm  

second interview
Congratulations on getting the second interview. If the first interview was with Human Resources you are making great progress as these people truly have very little power in the hiring (or firing for that matter) of an employee. They are mainly "paper pushers" who make sure that all your "I's are dotted and T's are crossed) and they pass this information along to the "decision maker", in this case the Vice President of the company.
Do not be imtimidated by the this persons title. In the US all "branch managers" of banks have the title of Vice President. It is meaningless.
Put your best foot forward and continue to do all that you have done in the past and everything should work to your benefit. Should things not work as you have envisioned (or wished) do not be discouraged, look at this as a learning experience and a valuable lesson learned.
Wishing you more good luck and success in this endeavour.

Noble Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 207
06/03/2011 8:16 pm  

first interview....
was with the Production Manager who oversees production on both sides of the company...don't know if that makes a difference...regardless, the phone interview is completely foreign to does it allow you to present yourself? how do you make a good impression when a firm handshake and eye-contact aren't on option?? I realize that the first interview is only one hurdle in the race and ive got a stretch to go yet, i just want to be prepared for it and have all my bullets loaded even if i dont have to end up firing them....
any tips/advice/experience with the dreaded phone interview??
appreciate all the support and well wishes....great group of folks here on DA.....

Famed Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 318
06/03/2011 8:27 pm  

It's been quite a while...
It's been quite a while since I had to go through this -- best of luck!
Phone interviews are challenging in their own way, but they do have one advantage -- you can write down a few important points that you want to stress about yourself, and have your notes right there in front of you, so you won't forget.
You still can make a big impression on the phone. You can demonstrate how well spoken you are, how well you listen and respond to a question, how bright and enthusiastic you are -- all these things come across over the phone.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 1721
06/03/2011 10:55 pm  

Stand up. Look in a mirror. Use his name.
You'll sound better if you're standing than if you're sitting.
He won't be able to see you, of course, but he'll hear the smile (or the steely-eyed determination, or whatever other face you're making) in your voice. So have a mirror nearby.
Use the VP's name at least twice -- when you introduce yourself and at the end of the call -- and call him Mister (unless she happens to be a woman, in which case it'd be better to call her Ms.)
Oh, and you don't want to interrupt the interview, so pee before it starts, make sure no kids are going to run in during the call, etc.
Good luck.

Noble Member
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Posts: 207
10/03/2011 3:48 pm  

so they've sidestepped the phone interview and im going in this Saturday for a weld test and meeting with the VP, the Production Manager, and the Creative Director?....this seems good to me....keep em crossed...its getting real...

Illustrious Member
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Posts: 1155
30/03/2011 6:46 pm  

What is the outcome
Did you get the job? If the answer is yes, congratulations. Should the answer be no, what did you learn from the experience? I was in your corner.

Noble Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 207
31/03/2011 6:08 am  

believe it or not....
i am still awaiting the phone call with there final decision...they are extremely busy as they are a two part corp. and both sides seem to be booming. when i spoke with Mr. VP last he needed contact info for my relevant work experience and made a point to tell me that they are "still very interested" but had some major work going with approaching deadlines and have been quite busy...soo i've just been dying over here...trying to be patient, trying to call and touch base regularly and so on....thanks so much though for your support, much appreciated....the work they do there is just phenomenal, it'd be a dream come true for sure and would be a chance at better life for me and the Mrs....

Noble Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 207
07/04/2011 4:51 pm  

so they've asked me up a 3rd time...very there in about 2 hrs.. here goes nothin'!

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 1879
07/04/2011 4:55 pm  

Good luck! Hopefully, its...
Good luck! Hopefully, its to offer you the position.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 1155
07/04/2011 6:11 pm  

do not keep us hanging
I have been following this "positive" thread since the beginning. To hell with the others, do not keep me hanging, did you get the job? I am wishing the best for you.

Noble Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 207
12/04/2011 10:58 pm  

my interview last Thursday lasted just over an hour with Mr. VP and I feel it went extremely well....he said " I see no reason not to move forward with getting you in here", but I am still currently awaiting a phone call providing a definite answer...I've never had a company take so long in making a decision , but he mentioned that they took there time to consider all angles for there sake and for mine...on top of being consistently well see...still just as interested in working there as I was before the first interview....the way he poses the company and how it operates makes it seem Utopian as far as fabrication jobs are concerned and without any smoke and mirrors- all the cards on the ill keep ya posted. when i hear, you'll hear.
thanks for the well wishes and support.....much appreciated....
p.s.- if for some reason I dont get it, its off to school....
Arch. and Ind. Design.....double major if i got the mustard and can get the financial aid....

Famed Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 353
13/04/2011 3:34 pm  

Don't worry about them...
Don't worry about them taking a while to make the decision. Some companies take their sweet old time in such endeavors. I am currently up against two other chemists at the pharmaceutical company I work for to get the laboratory supervisor position. And I really think the job is down mostly to myself and one other person. But it is taking the company FOREVER. The position was posted around the beginning of February. They always take forever to make the final decision. I think it is mainly disagreements between the HR director and the QC director as to which of us should get the job. I believe HR prefers my co-worker but the QC manager prefers me. We'll see who wins out in the end. So taking a long time is just the norm for some companies even though it drives the interviewees up the wall.

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