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help! looking for a...

help! looking for a basic paltform bed...  


Eminent Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 23
25/11/2005 11:43 am  

to go with the lumeo bed by peter mali. 4 legs. wood. any suggestions?

Eminent Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 23
26/11/2005 7:01 am  

is there really no one willing to offer some insight?
it's not much to ask.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2201
27/11/2005 12:48 am  

It's a holiday weekend here in the US,
so less folks are reading the site. Also you should take the time to search the previous threads (that's not too much to ask is it?)and you will find quite a long one that will answer your questions

Prominent Member
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Posts: 163
27/11/2005 1:18 am  

Nothing like a good holiday to bring out bountiful cheerfulness...
Olive... May be time to get the Barbi collection out and start mutilating (once again)! And yes, the elusive and perfectional "platform bed" has been discussed at length in other threads...

Eminent Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 23
27/11/2005 5:17 am  

i have lloked at all the other threads
olive, i have taken the time to look at all the other threads. trust me. i'm not one to ask for favors unless all other options have been exhausted. my specific question was regarding the lumeo bed. it would take a very simple frame to match it and not detract from it. no to mention that i'm looking for something affordable. therefore, all the other suggestions i've seen on this site, ie west elm to european furniture imports to minima and spazio either lack the quality or the simplicity needed or are too expensive. given that it's a holiday weekend and i've been on vacation with little else to do (non american and not a fan of turkey) i have searched the internet to be point of exhaustion. i called every furniture store within 200 miles and have annoyed every single friend. not that i've fully explained myself, the closest thing that i have found are the frames made by club8 / bo concept. the simple & basic or the moment might do the trick. can anyone advise on quality and their opinion on if this would be a good choice. thank so much.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2201
28/11/2005 5:20 pm  

The unintended side effect of forums is
that sarcasm/humor is interpreted as hostility. Skip, I've not been near a Barbie in years, now-a-days I use martinis for therapy.

Prominent Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 163
28/11/2005 8:11 pm  

Me hostile... Never! Sacastic/cynical... Always! I'll never mention Barbie again, Olive... Even though I think it one of the funniest stories ever! Martini's have alway's been my friend... Usually basic (Beefeater, extremely dry with olives)... Now... On with trying to solve Farah's platform bed delima... Anyone?


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