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help identifying ge...

help identifying german wall unit  


Honorable Member
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01/02/2010 9:26 pm  

a friend of mine is interested in buying this wall unit. there are no markings that she could find, but asked if i'd see if i could find out anything about.
in short, it came from germany and has a stereo in the top right cabinet in german. the overall condition is pretty good, although on one of the pieces on the far right there was a grey piece of veneer (who knows why) that has come unglued. any insight would be much appreciated.

<img class="wpforo-default-image-attachm

Illustrious Member
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02/02/2010 1:38 am  

Looks like Herbert Hirche to...
Looks like Herbert Hirche to me. That said, I am still at the office and no books here to verify. I'll take a look when I get home and see if I can find it. Even the speaker cabinet is reminiscent of the cases he designed for braun.

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03/02/2010 7:04 pm  

hi jesgord,
thanks for the...
hi jesgord,
thanks for the reply. i did a quick google search of hirche and was impressed by some of his chairs, but couldn't find anything along the lines of the wall unit. if you happen to see anything in a particular book that might help, i'd be very grateful.
the most important thing for me is finding out whether it's actually worth the $3500 that it's marked or if that price is well off the mark. the last thing i want is for my friend to get screwed : )

Illustrious Member
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03/02/2010 8:09 pm  

Jeremiah, a good amount of...
Jeremiah, a good amount of Hirche's work was documented in Gerde Hatje's NEW FURNITURE/NEUE MOBEL/MUEBLES NOUVEAUX volumes.
I have a few of these that I looked through and was not able to find the exact wall unit.
Images from this series were then reproduced in Sembach's CONTEMPORARY FURNITURE AN INTERNATIONAL REVIEW 1950 TO THE PRESENT and Modern Furniture Designs 1950-1980.
Unforunately, I was unable to locate the wall unit there either.
Basically, a long winded way of saying I can't find anything about it-sorry

Illustrious Member
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03/02/2010 9:12 pm  

Hey, who is the maker of the ...
Hey, who is the maker of the stereo?

Illustrious Member
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04/02/2010 5:51 pm  

Beautiful wall unit,though!
Who cares what the maker is ,if the price is right,and it can be used and enjoyed,I say go for it.This one has handsome style,from the warm wood grain, graceful,slender main supports to the recessed drawer cutouts-just stunning,really.I just missed a nice (no-name) teak danish wall unit at my local thrift.It sold for $45.00.Oh,the pain! 🙁

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04/02/2010 11:30 pm  

thanks for the replies.
thanks for the replies.
if it were $45 or $450 i wouldn't care who the maker is, but to spend 8X that amount, unless it is something special, i think it's more than a bit pricey.

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04/02/2010 11:32 pm  


Illustrious Member
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05/02/2010 4:25 am  

Telefunken, I think.........
Telefunken, I think...... Doesn't help much in making an ID

jason sukiennik
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05/02/2010 5:24 am  

There's a Braun stereo exactl...
There's a Braun stereo exactly like the one jesgord posted at one of the charity thriftstores I frequent. The poor thing has been sitting there for about six months, was still there when I visited last Friday. I have admired it every time I have visited, but never knew who designed it.

Illustrious Member
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05/02/2010 5:59 am  

Pjason--details, please!
Where IS this thrift shop?!!

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18/02/2010 5:30 pm  

so, what do you all think,...
so, what do you all think, is this a couple hundred dollar unit or a couple thousand? if it's worth it, we're going to pull the trigger this weekend.

Illustrious Member
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18/02/2010 6:11 pm  

My opinion: if I had the...
My opinion: if I had the spare cash, I wouldn't pay more than 800-1000$.
The shelves seem a bit cheap with that simple band-edging and I don't like the 3 metal connections between the up-rights.
But that's just my view, based on a photograph, made with a flashlight...

Illustrious Member
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18/02/2010 7:46 pm  

I sense it's worth either...
I figure it's worth either half or about twice as much as they're asking for it. The cabinets are outstanding, the wood, but I'm not terribly fond of the supports.
Personally, I wouldn't pay $3500 for it, yet I might pull the trigger.
But, that's personally.


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