Looking to purchase a Womb chair and wanted some help with authenticating it.
I am super excited about acquiring one. I have been fortunate to have owned a lot of the "classics" over the years but never a womb. If it is as comfortable as everyone says it is, will probably be replacing an Egg chair in my bedroom 🙂
I have not seen this particular chair in person but do plan to drive out and inspect it before paying.The price is good/fair (especially compared to brand new) but not low enough to be "to good to be true."
I have done all the reading I can in past threads on Womb chair identification on this forum and still have a few questions.
The cushion clips/fasteners look different than the others I have seen posted here. Now that is only a few pictures so it could be that they were made differently over the years and it is still "real"? Or maybe it was reupholstered and the changed out how the cushions were secured? Has anyone seen a womb with fasteners like this chair has?<img class="wpforoimg" src=" http://d1t1u890k7d3ys.cloudfront.net/cdn/farfuture/xPHb9VOnY6RCOBJS5m-xnKm_
Post is from 2+ months ago, so I expect that a decision's already been made. My thoughts anyway:
You've already noticed that the cushion attachments are wrong. The back cushion is also completely wrong -- it's the size and shape of the cushion on recent Chinese knockoffs. The seat cushion seems to be the right size, but its profile isn't correct. None of the photos shows the complete chair or ottoman, and the chair photo is a 3/4 view, which is the one that's most flattering for those Chinese fakes (and it's also one I haven't been able to exactly replicate from any angle around my genuine chair, but I only have a cellphone camera so it's possible that the difference is due to lens effects).
On the other hand, the bottom of the ottoman looks approximately right (except for the wrong screws), and the relationship between the width of the ottoman and the diagonal distance between the chair legs seems right. The legs appear to be the right diameter -- or, more precisely, they don't appear to be as thick as the legs on the worst Chinese knockoffs.
At best, it's a genuine chair that had lost its cushions and was reupholstered by an inexperienced person -- but of course it's trivially easy to find photos on the web for reference, so the terrible back cushion is a mystery. At worst, it's a Chinese knockoff that's worth approximately nothing. I'm leaning toward the latter, but a photo from directly in front of the chair (and/or some detailed measurements) would make it very easy to tell.
If you need any help, please contact us at – info@designaddict.com