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Illustrious Member
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22/06/2007 3:03 am  

10% Ridiculous argument
Turbo - all due respect, but thats a ridiculous argument. Every company that makes a product - any product - works to defend that product and therefore the image of the company producing it. Just because the names aren't huge superstars doesn't mean that companies wont fight to protect their name and designs.
Furthermore -if it is 'just furniture' to you why are you so hung up about getting the Barcelona chair? Why not get a Poang or a Klubbo from Ikea? Why not get one of those green plastic porch chairs? The reason why not is because you DO care about the design.
And I just spent a few minutes looking around on Paradigm's website. While I cant speak for their quality of products I can say that the copy on their site is highly misleading. There is no disclaimer that the furniture is not associated with Knoll, Herman Miller, Cassina, & Fritz Hansen - but plenty of inuendo that it IS associated with those companies. Thats borderline fraud in my opinion.

Trusted Member
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22/06/2007 7:29 am  

I respect your position. I'm...
I respect your position. I'm just saying that people aren't as hell bent on having the badge of the classics on furniture as they are with having badging on apparel, watches, etc.
Regarding Paradigm, each description of a classic says "high quality interpretation" or something to that effect. Call them and they don't pull any punches when telling you the differance between their repros and originals. Nothing misleading about that.
By the way, you think people buying a $900 womb chair vs. the original don't know it's a repro.
The marketplace is pretty educated and I agree that MANY sites are borderline fraud selling a $1500 Barcelona knock off with no inclusion of the word reproduction, interpretation, knock off, etc. 🙂
This debate will go on forever though...
Take care

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2967
22/06/2007 8:57 am  

Turbo11 is right on the money
Yes i am in on this one ......
I have two original knoll barcelonas from the 70's bought
at auction for 1000 each and in great conditon not meally !!!
I have two barcelonas that i bought from furniture fancy for 600 each I have said it before they are great really nice leather and in my office .
I knew when i bought them that they were not the origianls for some reason i never felt they werew repoductions ( very similiar to what turbo said) when i got them i could have cared less cause they were so nice . I know the knolls brand new cost around 3000 each but for the life of me folks... the frames are so close that a forensic expert could not tell the difference .....
i do not understand what all the fuss is about. on that chair... Others
maybe like the Herman miller 670 lounge now that is a differnt story they stick out like a sore thumb and a 2 year can tell that one from a repoduction.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 472
23/06/2007 2:22 am  

Maybe, just maybe
There is a slight possibility that I may buy a Coach umbrella to go with my new sandals.

Robert Leach
Illustrious Member
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23/06/2007 2:53 am  

Don't go mixing
Don't go mixing your seasons!
do they do a parasol ?

Illustrious Member
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Posts: 431
23/06/2007 3:19 am  

Good idea James..
It may rain, is it an outdoor do?, or is it to shade you from the sun?.

Illustrious Member
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Posts: 2967
23/06/2007 3:44 am two
james and robert 1960... I am sorry i just do not understand you two ... maybe the forign langue translation fouls me up.

Robert Leach
Illustrious Member
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Posts: 3212
23/06/2007 4:05 am  

Y'know, I have trouble understanding a lot of what you type too...

Reputable Member
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Posts: 100
23/06/2007 4:20 am  

Must be your new keyboard!!!
Seems to me that james, robert1960 and vivienne seem to be doing quite alright without you.

Illustrious Member
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Posts: 2967
23/06/2007 5:25 am  

robin i find your tone rather rude and ugly !!!!!! quoteing James maybe
There is a slight possibility that I may buy a Coach umbrella to go with my new sandals. quoteing me I don't undertand what unbrellas and perasols have to do with this thread?????
if you don't have any thing constructive to add to a international forum don't waste peoples time just cause you want to see your name on the internet!!!

Reputable Member
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23/06/2007 6:03 am  

Put on snow shoes
and chill out

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 472
23/06/2007 11:38 am  

The Umbrella is for the sun and heat, we are going to a wedding in Carmel, CA USA and the sun can really shine there. I already have a small umbrella with a wood duck head as the handle, but my wife wants a Coach and says the duck isn't appropriate for the wedding. Sometimes when I win, I lose and sometimes when I lose, my wife wins.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 431
23/06/2007 2:46 pm  

Ah i see James...
I am just used to the English summers you see, thats why i mentioned rain. Do they still allow people there to throw confetti? its frowned on here these days because of the "mess" it makes!.

whos that?
Eminent Member
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Posts: 37
23/06/2007 8:18 pm  

Look in a mirror!
Jesus LRF do you have any sense of the bile that spills out of your own mouth? You are by and far the rudest person I've encountered on this forum.
I've seen you compare people to Islamic-Extremists, associate them with Nazis, engage in school-yard style bullying and verbal violence if someone disagrees with you.
You make bombastic declarations of your own expertise, proclaim that this forum is for all people then taunt, name call, insult, and tell people to leave the forum because they contradict you.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: you're a drag! Grow up, be respectful, and think before you start banging furiously away on your ergonomic keyboard!
And dont play victim about how people are "dogging your ass". You get what you give.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 696
23/06/2007 9:05 pm  

One day the people in charge...
One day the people in charge of his care will change the password on the office computer and we'll all be a lot happier.....

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