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Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2967
21/06/2007 12:49 am  

thanks koen
thanks Koen things seem great when you give your blessing... you are by far the best thing that appears on this forum and you are truly one of the few whoes opion I always respect. Thanks again

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 818
21/06/2007 12:59 am  

why do reproduction pieces...
why do reproduction pieces even get discussed here ? I know I couldnt care less about them other than to know how to spot the fakes.I dont get why people even mention them on a site like this which to my mind is dedicated to design and not to the copying of that design.Maybe there could be a spin off site "knock off addicts"

Illustrious Member
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21/06/2007 1:04 am  

this that
Calling people Nazis is not going to prove your point, I never called any one a Nazi re read the thread..... you make good points and for that i appreciate it. but when some people make such stupid bazar statements I guess I just loose it , I hold people who read this forum to higher standards and intelect
when they have single track minds, I guess it bothers me . When you read a
great writer like Koen agree with you that you are not off your goard cause you like reproductions and try to protect people from crooks
it sort of makes things seem o.k.

Illustrious Member
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21/06/2007 1:10 am  

people like to disuss every thing that pertains to design and sorry to say repodcutions are part of that process ,

Illustrious Member
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21/06/2007 1:36 am  

I disagree they are homage...
I disagree they are homage to those designs but they have nothing to do with design themselves.No creative effort goes into them that was done by the original creator.I Have no problem with knock offs I just dont get their relevance in my perception of what this site is about.

Illustrious Member
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21/06/2007 1:41 am  

LRF - much as its a treat to...
LRF - much as its a treat to see you out of your shell now you think you have an ally I would suggest that if YOU reread YOUR post it is clear that you are suggesting that I could entertain sympathy for Nazis. As someone whose family suffered grievously at the hands of Nazis (and not just my grandfather) with repercussions still being felt today I find your suggestion grossly insulting - not least because it trivialises the horror of Nazism. I appreciate that you have difficulties articulating your views so perhaps in future a little circumspection may be in order? Try taking a deep breath and holding it(15 minutes would be about perfect) before rushing to the keyboard next time.

Illustrious Member
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21/06/2007 2:52 am  

YOU DO THE SAME PAULANNA !!!!!! only maybe you can hold your breath for a
full thirty minutes to pass my 15 minutes and you can get the blue ribbon. I guess i should have gone on for that phd program but i oppted out, NO ONE CALLED YOU A NAZI... RE READ WHAT I SAID IT Was a statement .

Robert Leach
Illustrious Member
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21/06/2007 3:04 am  

I've read what you have said.........
and derogatory personal comments aside it is a load of nonsense!
take for example:
'These guys are not selling fake rolexs on the street and from Ethopia
They are selling first class materials made by companies in Italy and China'
Why are Ethiopians different from the Chinese, the human rights record, exploitation of minors in the workplace, and working conditions are probably worse in China..not to mention the pollution to the planet- and why is a fake Rolex so much worse than a fake anything else ?

Illustrious Member
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21/06/2007 3:44 am  

john d
poor john d got ripped off by a furnitue company selling modern repoductions. in England
I will rest my case and
send this to the jury .
I am through preaching as most all of you don't appreciate what i have been saying about crooks in the modern furniture business and tried to make
people who enjoy good qualty re poduction furniture aware of honest sellers.
I know you all enjoy dogpiling on as
it makes you seem intelligent, that you are contributing in someway to this forum. If you don't like modern furnitue that is to bad that makes the world round but I for one hate to see any inocent person get ripped off just cause he thought he wanted some nice designer piece of furniture and a what he thought was a good price, (no clever replies please) not needed

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
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21/06/2007 3:49 am  

Hello LRF...
I dont think anyone likes disagreeing with you, its just that everyone has their own views and opinions i suppose and some come across quite forcibly.I enjoy reading post from everyone here including you, i can visualise that vein in you forehead throbbing as you type!(joke). Have a beer for me...

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2967
21/06/2007 4:44 am  

just had the beer and the ...
just had the beer and the vein is going to burst any minute.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 696
21/06/2007 5:09 am  

LRF - I'm probably wasting...
LRF - I'm probably wasting my breath but here goes - I know you didn't call me a nazi - what you said is this : "I guess you would have been the one to say if the Nazi was nice to me they must be o.k.". There no ambivalence - you are saying that I could have sympathy with Nazism, and, for the reasons previously stated I find this very offensive. I let it go the first time I read because I guessed that it was something said in the heat of the moment which, given thought, you would regret. I see now that you are wholly unrepentant. I find it very saddening that anyone should feel entitled to use a slur like this in furtherance of a point of view, on design of all things. You've been censured previously, both on and off this forum, for your manner - when is the message going to get through to you?

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2967
21/06/2007 6:24 am  

if this statement offened y...
if this statement offened you I am sorry ..I would never call anyone a Nazi ... see i to lost many members of my immediate family in the Holocaust
too many to count as my family was from Germany.
I should have used another term other than the nazi but many people would use that statement that if he did not bother me or i was not affected he was o.k. unfourntaly it was a little
thought provoking and it may have gone over your head and you took it wrong way for that i am sorry .
You or any other person never has to remind me of the Shoah.. as I have lived it more than you will ever know or dreamed about , If you or any ones else enjoys centuring me that is find you can write all the letters to Patrick and Alix or try to dogpile on me . my agenda is set and i am only concerned about innocent people not getting ripped off, so if you feel people who sell reproductions are more inclined to rip people off so
be it. I don't need to try to change
your mind or insult you just like you don't have to insult me ,

Trusted Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 58
21/06/2007 7:01 am  

why did...
why did you jump my butt
How come you all did not jump turbos butt when he said was having a great sale,
For the 10 th time I own the finest mid-century modern furniture collection any where see 1 picture of 40 seperate pieces all ORIGINAL I simply am trying to defend inocent people from getting ripped off and to be maligned and slandered by people who want to blame shop owners This is more than
enough for me ...
A rebuttal - I see everyone's point here, but the elitist nature of licensed classics diehards is absurb. As too is Paulanna logic lapse comment about repro retailers being moral insufficient enough to rip people off, simple because they consider your beloved Barcelona chair reproduction as just another product and not some art piece to be salivated after, and worshiped.
I've bought from them ALL and I will continue to support companies that are great at what they do, like Paradigm Gallery. There is no rip off when a company sets proper expectations, goes above and beyond the call of duty, all for customer satisfaction. I call that good business, but I'm sure some do rip people off, and I consider it my job to warn people about those companies as well.
It's stealing for you, but furniture and brands only go together for about 10% of the furniture market. Majority of people just want furniture and aren't so caught up with the Knoll badge affixed at the bottom of a seat.
This site is about design, not licensed classics design addicts. It's a forum to share advice, tips, and suggestions.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2967
21/06/2007 7:13 am  

thanks turbo
Thanks Turbo it is great to have a few people that understand what i have been trying to say. I am really glad that you get it i guess that is two in my corner. better than 0

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