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Up goes my house!

Up goes my house!  

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Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2201
10/05/2010 9:41 pm  

Geothermal is possible, but...
it's expensive and not really necessary. The heating load on a house in NM is so much lower than what I'm used to in New England. And there is SO much sunshine that just going passive solar is easier. It's certainly cheaper!
My blog was hacked over the weekend. It was pretty nasty and took me some time to recover. All is well now, but since DA is the only place other than with my family and friends that I've posted the URL, I have to assume the hacker found it here. So I've removed the links. Sorry. I was going to ask Patrick and Alix to pull down the whole thread, but I think it'll be OK just to remove the blog links. I will post a few more pix in this thread as things progress.

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