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Noble Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 229
19/10/2009 5:43 pm  

Hello everybody,
Hello everybody,
Sorry for reacting so late but we were busy this week-end with the opening events of the exhibition "The State of Things" in Brussels in which Patrick is participating (link below).
Our opinion is more or less the same as most of yours. We are sometimes bored with ID threads but as it has been said, they are sometimes interesting and they allow us to discover objects that we didn't know before.
Of course, it's a question of proportion. If the forum was overwhelmed by this kind of questions and that other more interesting threads would get lost, it would be a problem. We will keep an eye on it and we will think of solutions if needed.
As it has been suggested, it's probably the price of fame. Following the introduction of the DesignRadar (which is a great success) and the modifications done to improve the Search Engine Optimisation of Design Addict, the audience has been increasing a lot (see graphic below).
+ 104,94% more visitors coming form search engines compared with October 2008.
It's up to us to create interesting threads that will insure the integrity of the forum, by integrating to our discussions the new comers who are discovering the website by trying to identify an object, but who have surely other things to share with us in other discussions.
Unfortunately, for the moment, it is difficult for us to initiate new threads because all our time is busy with the DesignRadar and some other things that we have to do each day for the maintenance of Design Addict.
Thank you for your help keeping this forum active and interesting. As we often say, this forum is yours, it is and will be what you make out of it. On our side, we will do what we can so that it remains a reasonably efficient and agreable tool to use.
Thank you all for your comments, advises and encouragements.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2649
19/10/2009 6:47 pm  

Bower bird
3. A girl who lives in the Bowery neighborhood in New York City.

Eminent Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 24
20/10/2009 2:30 am  

its how you get new users...
I came here because I was looking for opinions/authentication on some $99 furniture I bought off of Craigslist.
What I found was a group of very helpful, informed and funny people who gave me some tips and answers that were very helpful.
And now I visit this site pretty much every day! I've never got much to share in terms of expertise, but I am learning a lot and I really enjoy the time I spend here.
I just wanted to put in my $0.02 so you hear from some of us quiet folks too.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2054
20/10/2009 2:48 am  

Dear suewanda
Your $0,02 have kept people like myself on this forum since around this time in 2001. So, welcome to the ride!

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2358
20/10/2009 3:34 am  

I don't think any forum is perfect, but...
I believe DA would be pretty close, if avatars with frontal nudity were required. 🙂
Just joking.
I really have no problem with all of the product IDs, value queries, and so on. I am quite good as scrolling through them. I do yearn for a bit more philosophical, aesthetical and technical discussions of design, but whenever I am really thirsting for such a thread, I can usually stir one up. 🙂

Illustrious Member
Joined: 13 years ago
Posts: 1395
20/10/2009 4:00 am  

Is it only me
or does anyone else get a kick out of Jyri's crazy random posts?

Reputable Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 108
20/10/2009 4:27 am  

the turtle
brilliantly functional, if not as gorgeous as some pieces...

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2201
20/10/2009 4:35 am  

Yeah, I love Jyri's posts a lot too
I'm never sure if it's his sense of humor, transliteration of English or a random cosmic event. He keeps me guessing.
Awesome turtle!
Please never change the forum. Its uniqueness is its core value.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 13 years ago
Posts: 1274
20/10/2009 5:13 am  

Jyri's randomness
is not limited to DA, as link below attests

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