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Illustrious Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 2534
16/10/2009 8:19 pm  

Is anyone else concerned that its just turning into a free appraisal service? Or that design enthusiasts are now just bower birds?

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 3499
16/10/2009 8:27 pm  

concerned? no. but tired,...
concerned? no. but tired, yes.
we can't seem to keep it from happening, so i wonder if there should be a dedicated section for this - so that only interested parties would be involved in it.
that way, a moderator could just automatically delete them from the main forum without feelings of guilt.

New Member
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Posts: 2
16/10/2009 8:42 pm  

you are not design addicts
The forum clearly states :
Share your opinion An unidentified design object or a question, a comment about modern or post-modern design? Share your questions and reflections in this forum. The most important here is the sharing of knowledge. For this reason we ask you not to use this forum for commercial purposes
If i'm mistaken please accept my apology, i will delete the tread.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 572
16/10/2009 9:02 pm  

Heath, I have commented on...
Heath, I have commented on this subject a couple of times recently. It goes without saying that a few minutes of one's time spent surfing the net will USUALLY find the answer to most of these threads. I am becoming a bit tiresome of trawling through a load of *id this* threads to find one worth reading. I think a sub section might be a good idea!

Trusted Member
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 42
16/10/2009 9:16 pm  

I for one think the forum is...
I for one think the forum is a great resource. But beyond the simple notion of IDing furniture and items, there really is a community of people with similar interests that just span the spectrum in diversity. The diverse group of attitudes, political beliefs, cultures, and financial status allow people that might not interact, a place to share common interests.
The knowledge of the membership is really a great asset for those of us that aren't surrounded by people that appreciate great design.
I know for me, I wish I was more active within this forum, unfortunately I'm not, but i enjoy stopping by a few times a week to see what's happening.
Viewing people's finds and seeing different viewpoints on design have done nothing but increase my interest in both specific designers and design styles.
So I say, Keep up the good work designaddict!
And for those few times I've requested ID help, THANK YOU to all. And I'll keep chiming in now and again as time permits, whether it's to help ID, get ID help or simply to have diarrhea of the mouth again.

Modern Love
Illustrious Member
Joined: 12 years ago
Posts: 947
16/10/2009 10:31 pm  

I've helped ID a few things for some people and vice versa....
but I don't think I've ever given anyone an appraisal simply because once you know the designer, that should be enough info to investigate and figure it out.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2201
16/10/2009 10:57 pm  

I'm tired, bored and kinda annoyed with all the 'what is this chair' 'where do I get a replacement widget' types of posts there are SO many of them. And then there's the lovely M@hog@ny Assoc thread that never dies. Wish we could talk more about actual design (both product and space)and about creating homes we love to live in.

Modern Love
Illustrious Member
Joined: 12 years ago
Posts: 947
16/10/2009 11:08 pm  

I think to a certain degree
that is what the blog is trying to do. Maybe it leans more to product design than homes. I don't visit it enough, I always come here first out of habit I guess.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 2534
17/10/2009 1:24 am  

The fact that most of the...
The fact that most of the people who ask these questions never come back or have anything else to say makes me wonder what their interest in design really is, it must be very shallow.
I like the blog, there is much on their worth looking at but posting on it is a bit akward, comments don't display immediately and the text verification can be a bit frustrating.
We need an issue or group project to get things moving again, if anyone wants to do anything involving 3d modelling or a prototype I'd be happy to contribute.

Sound & Design
Illustrious Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 1445
17/10/2009 2:06 am  

I'm rather fond of the...
I'm rather fond of the current DA. The layout is very conversational. personally, don't see any real reason to revise what already works. The minor issues, such as remaining logged in and immediate postings could be part of a future "refresh". Maybe throw in a small cosmetic refresh. Otherwise, I'm content using DA as is for another decade. When P&A announced an addition to the forum, the Radar, I was worried it would sully the has proven a worthy improvement/addition. Also curious how successful it is?
ID posting can be annoying...but on the flip, can find them somewhat interesting. Occasionally, someone actually has something worthy of investigating. I guess the best way to remedy nuisance ID post is not answering them.
I don't see design topics as being lacking. Just lack of participation...myself included. The important thing is, I'm always left thinking about whatever discussions are posted. It's not easy maintaining detailed discussions online...thinking about them is lasting.
This place is a real gem! Thanks P&A!

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 1874
17/10/2009 2:12 am  

Heath, I would say your initial opinion is a fairly common one. It also appears as though your opinion has been refinished, which can seriously affect the value. It's my professional appraisal that your opinion has more sentimental than monetary value. It is, as they say, a dime a dozen.
However, if it had been an original prototype opinion, or an opinion in an unusual color it might be worth quite a bit more.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 2534
17/10/2009 2:30 am  

I've been busy and was not...
I've been busy and was not aware that this has been mentioned lately.
Trying to prompt a bit of an improvement, thats all. If you have any concerns about the design industry, left field ideas or any other topical thoughts please post them.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2054
17/10/2009 7:44 am  

my take
I can hardly pretend that I am answering a lot of "...ID this or that questions..." Most of the time it is not because I am irritated by them, but simply because the piece is just not worth it. To collect or being interested in a particular time period rather than a certain level of quality, no matter the period, is one of the sad by-products of collecting or having an interest for that particular time period. But I am not tempted by imagining a DA without them, and so I will not join that chorus. I am sure that DA is a different thing for different people and that?s fine with me. I am not irritated either by people that expect one?s opinion to be compressed in two sentences. DA has always been a tolerant and very accessible place and I hope it will stay that way. To start categorizing means starting on a slippery slope where not one but two, three, four or five categories will be created in no time. Alix and Patrick have through bad and somewhat better times kept this virtual space going without much interference, with much generosity and as far as I know with the same passion that makes a lot of us reach ever so often for our favourites and go down the list to DesignAddict. In real live we cross paths with people that we will only see that one time. Others, with whom we share work hours or other habits, become familiar faces. Some are our colleagues some family and loved ones etc. Cyberspace does not seem to be all that different.

Trusted Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 63
17/10/2009 11:22 am  

I have been participating in...
I have been participating in this forum just recently. I am just glad that people here are so eager to share their wealth of knowledge. I just hope everyone would keep the positive tone and keep up the good work. I have encountered a lot of intellectual design snobs out there and I agree that they should just keep to themselves.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 2534
17/10/2009 11:30 am  

I've been visiting the site on and off for about 8 years now and I'm sure there were never this many id/help me type questions before, perhaps its my memory at fault but as Olive says therejust seems so many of them, its unbalanced.

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