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Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 818
10/10/2007 12:17 am  

Are there any plans afoot to take this place off the information back road and onto the highway.I dont want to be mean about it as I very much appreciate the resource you have created but it is stuck in an internet time warp

Robert Leach
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10/10/2007 12:20 am  

We did have a brainstorming session about the future of the board a few months ago.
I suggested 'edit' amongst other things
It would also be useful to email other members without posting one's email address on the site (something I would be unwilling to do)

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 818
10/10/2007 12:21 am  

I should have added that...
I should have added that this place needs IMHO needs to allow the user to edit,preview posts,make it easier to post pictures,private message each other and all the other great things you can do on forums these days.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 818
10/10/2007 12:26 am  

who is in charge here Patrick...
who is in charge here Patrick and Alex right ? are they aware of what you can do with forums ? Is there a financial reason for the old school feel ?
As far as I know it is pretty easy to change forum models and relatively inexpensive

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 1879
10/10/2007 5:46 am  

Forget about...
Forget about can be done for free. There are 10 year old kids out there with forums more sophisticated than this one. Come on, this isn't rocket science (sorry to be such an ass....but it's true)

Ben joyner-72
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10/10/2007 1:13 pm  

While I agree that this isn't the most sophisticated forum I am amazed at the rudeness that is being expressed. Unless you have made some kind of donation in the past you are getting this amazing resource for free!
I agree that an easier way to add images would be helpful and i'm sure based on past threads that P&A are aware of this. However, I come to this site for the content & expertise of the community not the bells & whistles.
To say that it isn't rocket science is a bit presumptuous when we have no idea of how the site is technically put together or the impact that rolling out a new forum would have on legacy content.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 818
10/10/2007 1:18 pm  

FYI There is no need to pay...
FYI There is no need to pay for the use of this site it should be capable of generating plenty of advertising revenue.Ive never paid to use a forum and I never expect that I will have to internet traffic can make you money.

Ben joyner-72
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10/10/2007 1:30 pm  

i'd never normally pay for a...
i'd never normally pay for a forum either but i have made a (very) small token donation to designaddict in the past because it gave me some valuable information that I couldn't find elsewhere.
It's great that the internet gives us so much for free but I think we can sometimes take it for granted. I've gained so much from this forum & its users that would have been much more difficult & time consuming to accumulate offline.
Maybe i'm being naive/daft but i feel like this is more than purely a business venture for P&A and i personally think a great deal of respect is due to them for it.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 818
10/10/2007 1:35 pm  

Do Patrick and Alex own the...
Do Patrick and Alex own the entire site or are they simply the forum admins ?

Ben joyner-72
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10/10/2007 1:36 pm  

as far as i know...
...the entire site

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
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10/10/2007 1:47 pm  

I would happily buy a stake a...
I would happily buy a stake and fund the changes

Patrick - desig...
Noble Member
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10/10/2007 5:55 pm  

We understand your...
We understand your impatience concerning the evolution of the forum and the changes that we promised many months ago. The job has been ordered and it will be done. We apologise for the delay.
It is not as simple as one would think. One of the characteristics of DA is that it doesn't uses ready-made tools which could indeed be implemented very easily. We made this choice to be able to inter-connect the data bases from the various sections of DA and to make it possible for you to reach complementary contents which are spread in various places of the site. This option implies a specific development and thus time and money.
A small reminder for the newcomers on the site. We do not earn much money with DA and we often have to bring some personal funds to finance its development and survival. It is obvious that there is the possibility of making money with this site, but we never wished to impose a too important presence of advertising to our visitors and we have to admit it, we are rather bad salesmen. We both had an artistic training which did not prepare us to manage these aspects.
So, if Killian or somebody else thinks that he can do better and wants to purchase the site in all or in parts, we are ready to discuss : -)
Moreover, as some of you might know, I am an artist and I must thus dedicate my time to my work. For the moment, I am preparing an exhibition in Paris for December. Therefore, all the management work of DA is on Alix's shoulders, it is a burden that I do not wish to anybody, I thus ask for your understanding.
Thank you for using Design Addict and for making out of it an invaluable place for the design community.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 1879
10/10/2007 6:08 pm  

My bad.....
I was CLEARLY out of line in my posti above. Sorry for the rude remarks and thank you for the DA for the wonderful services that you provide!

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 818
10/10/2007 6:17 pm  

check your mail.
check your mail.

Ben joyner-72
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10/10/2007 6:21 pm  

sorry jesgord
I probably came across a bit snooty there...

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