Wondering if it's possible to fix the paper cord on Wegner or Mogensen chairs by yourself. Does anyone have any experience in fixing it by himself? Or would you say it is a tough craft and better to give it to a professional?<img class="wpforoimg" src=" http://d1t1u890k7d3ys.cloudfront.net/cdn/farfuture/Sns1BkpGCOasciLquVJDxWWC01Ts
That's seagrass, not paper cord. But yes, you can definitely learn to redo it yourself. There are three very long threads on this forum full of tips, suggestions, encouragement, photos, etc. There are links within them to a few photo tutorials and some instructional videos. Do a search for "replacing Danish paper cord"--that should do it.
You might want to try a soap treatment on that seat first, though. You might be able to lighten those stains to the point where they don't bug you much--way easier to do than reweaving the entire seat! Just grate some Ivory bar soap (not liquid soap, not detergent) and heat it in some water on the stove until soap is completely dissolved--about 1/4 to 1/3 of a bar to a quart or so of water. Let cool then sponge the soapy water onto the woven seat. Do not scrub, do not rub, and make sure the entire surface and sides are wet. Don't rinse, just let it dry.
Caveat: I have NOT done this on seagrass but it's cellulose like paper cord so I'm assuming it will behave the same way. (It will stretch when wet--don't panic, just let it dry completely. You may need to do this whole process a few times before the stains are gone or at least as light as they're gonna get.)
None of the paper cord made today is made in Denmark and maybe it never was, I'm not sure---it's a type of cord used on Danish furniture and a few things here and there from other countries. It's mostly 3 ply (some 2 ply on older things); each ply is a strip of brown kraft paper tightly twisted, then three of those strands are twisted together. Good quality cord is made of wider strips that are more tightly twisted, resulting in dense, durable cord. Cheap paper cord is made with less paper. I got some one that actually snapped while i was weaving it!
You can buy it online. Shipping is high because it's heavy so you might want to figure that in when decided where to get it. Sources are discussed in the other threads though keep in mind some of the info in the earlier posts is now out of date as regards to quality & pricing. I get mine from HH Perkins on the east coast (US). Just do a search for "danish paper cord" for other sources. I used to get it from Frank's Cane & Rush in CA but their quality dropped --not sure what they're selling now. Shipping from the west coast is too high for me.
DO NOT GET FIBER RUSH! It looks very similar and is a lot cheaper but it's not the same thing and will not work as well with all Danish weaves, plus it's just not appropriate design-wise.
here's the first thread in that series---there is a lot to read but there's so much good material there. Regular user "tchp" started it and he ended up doing a set of six chairs that look professionally done! Different weave than what you have, though---but still. Very inspiring.
Do NOT redo these chairs in paper cord. As Spanky said that is sea grass. I have woven one of these chairs in seagrass. The seagrass cord I got was about a million times lower quality, but there was no seat on the chair to begin with. You will need to find seagrass that is of proper quality for these chairs.
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