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Ernest Rams: your t...

Ernest Rams: your thread about the Ditzel for Kolds 113 Chair...  


leif ericson - Zephyr Renner
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19/05/2018 2:04 pm  

Ernest Rams
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19/05/2018 7:48 pm  

Hi Leif, I was about to start another one indeed.

My fault: In the initial phase of that thread, I asked questions about the wood of that chair, thinking it was not from Skandinavia. I felt people were not answering such trivial or let's say not so interesting question, so I decided to ask the administrator to remove it. It turned out to be an interesting discussion, but that was too late. So I then asked the admin to put it back, but did not receive any answer then. Sorry for this.

I was able to retrieve the chair after a tough and not cheap bet, but I find it amazing. There is a nice wood pattern just in the middle of the back. You can also see that the armrest are connected to the back not with a simple straight cut, but a kind of L-shaped cut, which is visible only from the back.

Obviously someone messed it up with the newly made seat, but I have removed it already and discovered the old pins for the original cane. The chair is now wobbly and certainly needs to be dismounted and re-glued before the new cane is put. That's going to be another good project. I should be able to bring it to be remade in the next few months.

Leif, I take the occasion to thank you once again for having put me in the right direction.

All the best


leif ericson - Zephyr Renner
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20/05/2018 2:46 am  

I have also found a catalog that shows this construction for the chair, so it is indeed authentic. Catalogs date is 1958.

Ernest Rams
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20/05/2018 11:11 am  

Wow! Thank you leif! Do you have any picture of that catalogue?



leif ericson - Zephyr Renner
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20/05/2018 11:38 am  

Send me an email at my name Zephyr Renner at google

Ernest Rams
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20/05/2018 1:52 pm  

Hi Leif, thank you. I'm not an art dealer of any kind, I do it for personal passion. I guess the situation is different for you, so if you find honest to get credit for sharing materials, e.g. a catalogue that probably took you time and money to find, I really perfectly understand. If this is the reason why we could discuss about this via email, I think you would be very right.

Thank you for your help. I apologize in advance for any misunderstanding.



leif ericson - Zephyr Renner
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21/05/2018 12:54 am  

Huh? no, no misunderstanding, at least not that I know of. I do it for personal passion to. I'd be crazy to waste so much time on furniture otherwise, right? Send me an email.

Ernest Rams
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21/05/2018 1:09 am  

Hi! I'm afraid I do not completely get the meaning of your answer. I see that you have shared an enourmous amount of material on this forum, so I am a bit puzzled by the fact that when I asked you to share the page of that catalogue that has to go via email. I have no problem of sharing an email, but you need to say why.

I think that there is a lot of "crap" on this forum, with people asking things that could find with a few clicks on google. I did the same, that's normal. Because I feel I am here since a while (not long, but not a new user) I did not want my post to be like that, I felt "why am I asking about a chair with no meaning?". I rather seek the help of the experts here for something better. So I thought to remove it. The admin took a few days to remove it. Initially I thought they would luckily ignore my email, as the discussion had a nice twist.

I wrote back to restore it, but did not get an answer (yet). Probably they did not like this back and forth too. I said I was sorry.

So long story short: leif, if you want to start a private discussion on why I asked to remove that thread here is my answer, more than this I would not know what to say. I totally respect your role and help on this forum, and I truly admire your knowledge on the topic.

All the best,


Illustrious Member
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21/05/2018 2:26 am  

Ernest, on the matter of the deleted thread---once it's deleted, it's gone for good. The admin staff can't restore it.

It's usually best to just leave discussions in place even if you meant for it to go in a different direction. I've been here long enough to have seen a lot of very old discussions resurrected with new, helpful information added. You never know what will happen! Sometimes nothing happens, sometimes quite a lot can happen.

Accidental double posts should be deleted, otherwise they can both end up getting replies and that can get confusing.

Ernest Rams
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21/05/2018 10:32 pm  

Thank you, spanky. I certainly agree with you. I did not intend to do anything wrong, so I should be more patient sometimes.

I would like to try to dismount and re-glue it. I watched a video on youtube where a professional restorer did a similar thing to a Wegner chair, and he used a heat gun and slowly hummering it with a gummy hummer. For this chair, I think it makes sense to dismount the armrests and backrest alltogether (from the 4 legs). What do you think? Anything I should pay attention to? Is it a job that one could attempt, or shall I ask an expert to do it?

Thank you for your help!


Illustrious Member
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21/05/2018 10:37 pm  

I can't advise you on dismantling that chair! The mere thought of doing that gives me the heebie-jeebies. I will reglue chairs with very basic construction but that's about it.

Ernest Rams
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21/05/2018 10:53 pm  

Thank you... well if you would not do it, it means that is probably more complicated as I have envisioned it.




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