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eames RAR: vitra or...

eames RAR: vitra or miller?  

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Illustrious Member
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16/06/2013 8:04 am  

And here's an example...
that proves MY POINT, dammit!
I couldn't really decipher but this one looked much more olive than sea foam, which it couldn't have been as sea foam was an original color and olive wasn't. Father Time had taken too much dye out of it to really guess what it might've looked like sixty some odd years ago though.

Illustrious Member
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16/06/2013 8:09 am  

Silly responses, eameshead. You're thinking out-loud right now..
Purists already know the whole gig.. Snap the "bad-boy",;; then explain. I'm curious. I have upmost faith in your photojournalism skills (unlike mine), ,,,especially considering that I am currently uber lit. You are such an asset to this forum. Thanks for your patience. Lunchbox is one smart cup-cake.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
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16/06/2013 8:17 am  

Forget my last post.
I'm too blazed to be posting. You both are quite good at teaching me superior design idea's,
Many thanks.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 13 years ago
Posts: 1366
16/06/2013 8:22 am  

Yes agreeing is fun huh... kind of reminds me of the 325K Noguchi base auction "agreement" we had before!
I think we were arguing about the notion of INTENT or not, with regards to the color changes.
You seemed to me to be saying that colors were intended to be standardized, and that largely, changes were only due to environmental conditions and different producers at different dates etc.
I am saying that colors were intentionally played around with.
True, there are lots of ways a color might be different when a new producer starts making them. But why couldn't the color batch be changed on PURPOSE, when a new producer starts production? A new producer is not proof that the color was not shifted on purpose.
In general, Im just going with my gut here. Like Mark says, "I call em like i see em!" That is all any of us can do I guess, and hope that our gut instinct is based on enough life experience to be valid.
But I would think that SOMEBODY on this board has seen and lived with lots of shells enough to have similar observations. It cant be that hard to to get some back up on this... that said, RED chairs are SO sensitive to the environmental stuff (due to impermanent dyes I guess) that I make NO claims as to what was going on with Red.
I do tend to be into nuances a lot though, and you can't see something sometimes if you are not really looking for it, specifically. But I am certainly not the only crackpot who buys a chair just for forensic purposes. Not with the likes of you guys around! I know that much. That's why it matters to me that you don't think I am hallucinating. LOL

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
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16/06/2013 8:35 am  

No, EH...
You're putting words in my mouth there.
I never said there weren't variations in the colors. In fact, I mentioned variances from era to factory to even batch. To what degree intent, difference in process or material from one factory to another and environment affected these variations is anyone's guess. But that's all it would be in the end... guesswork.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 13 years ago
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16/06/2013 8:37 am  

thanks for the photos Lunchbox
They prove many points. Your own included! I think....
But in some ways, the photos also show how much a photo can lie. You know, time of day, harsh lighting, etc, all adds up to a final illusion. An "estimate" so to speak... more than a fact. Because the photos each have only one chair, it is hard to know what is the exposure and what is the true chair color.
If i get to lining up a row of them, at least you will know that the same sun was on all the chairs, and constant, and hopefully any color change will be a "fact".
Color perception is always RELATIVE. So side by side in the same photo should help.
In the end, all photos, my own included, are RE productions though.
But these do help and thanks for posting them Lunchbox.
(Sorry I cant be faster Mark!)

Illustrious Member
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16/06/2013 8:48 am  

Very true, EH...
I'm actually looking forward to your sea foam buffet.

Illustrious Member
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16/06/2013 8:49 am  

I never said YOU never said that... LOL
I said you said that differences were from color batches and age patina, rather than intentional playing around. You did seem to imply that things were more fine tuned and standardized.
But if i was wrong, forgive me Lunchbox.
And you are correct that proof will be hard to come by. I am interested to hear if any of the others just FEEL one way or another in thier guts, like I do. I feel strongly that they had FUN with colors and made some TWEENERS on purpose... stuff like that.
I will say that I believe that at least some OLIVE chairs are an intentional mix. Hands down. There are indeed some that veer to an olive hue through aging, but the thick venice shell that I have is solid olive in my opinion, and always was.
I will try to do the photo tomorrow, as I think all chairs need to share the same photo to make the case. jesus i hate learning how to do stuff tho.

Illustrious Member
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16/06/2013 9:30 am  

I want those chairs! I know that they are "chairs gone by" though...
Still nice to see them. I like seeing the familiar brick background too.
Back to the chicken -its out of control!

Illustrious Member
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16/06/2013 9:48 am  

Seafoam might have been its name....
My point was that while "Seafoam" was most certainly the NAME of the original color, (and not Olive, as you said) the actual color mix could still have been widely varied and played with. Even if it WAS called Seafoam.
I know I probably already said this, but I am risking redundancy for clarity's sake.
Basically, labels always rob us of perception, because when we are given an answer ("Seafoam") everybody just assumes that one label = one color.
Hope you are okay Mark!

Illustrious Member
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16/06/2013 9:59 pm  

It's morning now, and the shells are lined up.....
.. and ready to go!
I am just waiting for the sun to get up a little higher before I take pictures.
One notable new observation is that of the eight shells, the widest variation seems to be with the Venice shells. There are 3 Venice shells and 5 Zenith Ropes. The Venice shells occupy both extreme ends of the eight chair "spectrum", and there is also one near the middle of the range.
All of them are different though. But perhaps this suggests that if there WAS any playing around with the color batches in an artesian way, it might have happened more at the Venice office. That would make sense I guess.
I fear that the color change will be rather underwhelming on the photo, but we will see!
I will probably take a couple of the whole lineup, and then show sequential shots , in order of left to right, of only arms --side by side as they move down the line. The arm/arm shots will also provide FLAT surfaces to compare one pair at a time, without any value changes caused by volume.
Waiting for the wife to help me get the camera together... sheesh
Back in awhile with photos I hope.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 13 years ago
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16/06/2013 11:42 pm  

screw the fancy camera, i phone worked better!
The camera was a HUGE disappointment, but the iphone camera was a very welcome surprise. Not bad at all. Whew...
I will now try and add photos. Color and detail fairly true, but sorry for the sideways shots.
/Users/jscott415/Desktop/seafoam 1.JPG

Illustrious Member
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16/06/2013 11:47 pm  

link seems to work but...
didnt get the image in the post directly... here is try number two..

Noble Member
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17/06/2013 12:11 am  

You can't post your pics directly from your desktop...they need to be uploaded to Photobucket or the likes...
Here's an easy how- to (kindly provided by another poster):
You can easily add up to 3 images per post. First, your images must be hosted on the internet. If you don't have your own server, you can easily host your pictures on websites like Photobucket, which is free.
To associate your images to your message, place the url of your images in the 'associate web image' field in the submission form.
If the image is hosted on your server, the url will look like this:
If your image is hosted on Photobucket, the url will look like this:
Add only the direct link.
Teach a man to fish...:-)

Illustrious Member
Joined: 13 years ago
Posts: 1366
17/06/2013 12:11 am  

thanks lunchbox
I will figure it out and try again later

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