Design Addict


eBay Shenanigans  

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Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 1879
28/02/2011 11:55 pm  

Arthur, is someone forcing...
Arthur, is someone forcing you to read this "boring discussion? You know that you don't have to read it, right?

Arthur Sixpence
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01/03/2011 12:00 am  

But I do care about the site and I am not scared off when the bullys on this forum try to scare people off when there opinions do not match others.
"Its terrible, look what he or she is doing how can they get away with it" great fantastic now do something about.

Estimable Member
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01/03/2011 12:05 am  

Us Design Addictors....
...should pool our money, buy something, then sue his pants off!

Robert Leach
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01/03/2011 12:07 am  

by making people aware, by exposing their dodgy dealings, this thread IS doing something?

Arthur Sixpence
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Posts: 365
01/03/2011 12:12 am  

Now that is a good idea honus

Illustrious Member
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Posts: 1879
01/03/2011 12:15 am  

Arthur, I also care about...
Arthur, I also care about this site and have a distaste for bullys. Your statement that, "it will only be a matter of time before someone who is singled out acts which could potentially hurt the design addict site?" strikes me as playing right into the bully's hands. According to your reasoning, we should not point out their immoral/illegal actions because we fear their rebukes......really? Lastly, if there is concern amongst the gracious administrators of this site about potential liability .....they can always remove or edit any post they choose. Since when did you get to decide what we should and should not talk about?

Estimable Member
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01/03/2011 1:32 am  

I should also mention:
I would be more than happy to keep the disgraced LCW.

Famed Member
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01/03/2011 5:11 am  

I'm surprised anyone finds th...
I'm surprised anyone finds this thread boring. I find it all pretty compelling -- being able to watch this crook's MO on ebay, from acquisition of the original piece to its resurfacing as a once-in-a-lifetime amazingly rare find. And I keep waiting for him to get his due, which no doubt he will -- thanks in large part to this forum.

Illustrious Member
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01/03/2011 5:13 am  

The ebay seller in question blocks your ID if you happen to email him and point out very politely that you know what he's up to.
Not that I know anything about that, of course.

Trusted Member
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Posts: 43
01/03/2011 5:28 am  

I reported
Well I reported this and earlier issues about this seller as a fraud to Ebay. I do not expect anything but at least I did something. I agree on earlier remarks.
By the way, I don't mind being blocked by this seller!

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 642
01/03/2011 6:36 am  

Don't care to
do it myself but one could just open up a new ebay account and list a "Vintage Eames chair" with a random photo starting the bid at $0.99 knowing that all collectors will open the listing to read the description. Then in the description go on to explain how so and so ebayer is listing fake/altered items.

Eminent Member
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Posts: 23
01/03/2011 7:17 am  

After the buyer posts feedbac...
After the buyer posts feedback you can message the buyer with the information/evidence. When the buyer of the last pair of chairs you guys talked about posts his feedback, just message him and forward the comparison pictures and notes about the label. Ebay won't do anything, so public policing is needed. I imagine however this seller will probably eventually switch to private listings, so messaging buyers won't be able to happen - best to take a shot while you still can.

Arthur Sixpence
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01/03/2011 1:26 pm  

O Jesgord!

Illustrious Member
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01/03/2011 7:04 pm  

Pretty sure your plan is not allowed on ebay at all, otherwise there'd be a million listings like that! Well, maybe not a million---but a LOT. They don't want that clogging up their system.
Buyers who have left feedback for transactions involving fraudulent items might be interested in reading this thread for starters.

Eminent Member
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Posts: 28
01/03/2011 8:34 pm  

I like Expo67s method...
Then at least they'll know, even if it may be too late.

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