Its a sort of hot or not thing, could do with more participants, I can't click all the X buttons on my own.
Seriously it could be a good tool for prototypers if enough people got involved or if folk commented.
Kosmos Table by Olby Design...
Kosmos Table by Olby Design is niiiiiiice!
Custome Sideboard by Fitzhugh Karol almost made me throw up in my mouth a little.
Am I alone in thinking that most of the stuff is so bad that the few things that are decent tend to look amazing? Kind of like the last available patron at the bar near closing time suddenly looks attractive?
Cool concept for a blog though.
There are a couple of nice things
..but this?
"Felt Carpet: Frisian Wouw by Claudy Jongstra
The carpet has irregular contours and tousled texture. Jongstra made the
carpet yellow as an allusion to the golden age of Dutch painting Rembrandt
and other masters used yellow pigments from the mignonette plant."
I think the cat yak comparison is far too hackneyed these days, but in this case it's totally apt.
Starck's chandelier is HORRIB...
Starck's chandelier is HORRIBLE! This alone is enough to make design extinct. GEEEEZUS.
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