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design for cubicle ...

design for cubicle madness  

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Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2358
16/08/2008 3:57 am  

Cubicles mean you never have to say you care...
This is a quote from the movie "Cubicle Story." This was one of Erich Segal's less well-known efforts. It is a tragic love story in which an Ali McGraw character wearing a leopard skin pillbox hat (instead of a raspberry beret) contracts cancer from carcinogens in the cubicle materials and slowly dies on IV support while still strapped to her immitation aeron and doing word processing. Her lover, Bolliver, played by Tatum O'Neal in drag (finally she gets back at her father for Farrah), is so incensed by the unfairness of life that he/she lashes him/herself to a rowing skull, calls a cement contractor in Boston named Vinnie and has the skull filled with cement until it sinks in the Charles River.

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