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design for cubicle ...

design for cubicle madness  

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Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
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14/08/2008 9:25 pm  

Do you work in a cubicle maze like I do? After I've been here a little while, I'd like to personalize my space. I'd definitely like to add some small design objects and some color ... What do you do to get over the cubicle blahs?

Illustrious Member
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14/08/2008 9:34 pm  

Self employment?
Self employment?

Illustrious Member
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14/08/2008 9:41 pm  

Vitra mini's?
; )

Illustrious Member
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14/08/2008 9:49 pm  

Self employment?
Been there, done that. Any real ideas?
I am getting a fake red DCW miniature. So, besides the obvious ....

Illustrious Member
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14/08/2008 9:50 pm  

Cross stitch
Personally I think I would have to kill myself it I worked in a cubicle. But I imagine adding a plant or two would liven the place up. No, wait...plants need natural light to live. Um... perhaps some little inspirational sayings that you have cross stitched? A poster of a cat on a clothesline saying "hang in there!"
Seriously tho - George Nelson is the father of the modern cubicle - a Nelson clock might brighten the place up a little bit, or it might serve as a reminder of the man who confined your daily life to an 8 foot beige cube.

Illustrious Member
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14/08/2008 10:00 pm  

Well I am using the term cubicle loosely. It's actually a huge room with lots of white and gray desks. The desks have backs but they are at about chin level, so you can see around you ... probably really wouldn't be considered a cubicle.
And there is a ton of natural light. The large room has glass around the whole circumference, almost floor to ceiling. We are on the 16th floor with a badass view, so I might have made it sound worse than it is!
The "backsplash" to my desk is gray fabric. I could figure out a way to upholster a lightweight panel to pin on there in a nice colorful Girard fabric.
I don't want to cause too much commotion though .... but that and some flowers and some miniatures would be nice.
I wish I could get a ladder and hang a large mobile overhead too.
I'll have to be here a bit first ....

Illustrious Member
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14/08/2008 10:07 pm  

And I did consider killing myself, but I thought "heck, I just might be able to design myself out of this pickle." So here I am.

Famed Member
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14/08/2008 10:41 pm  

"This cubicle does not smell of herring."
Billy Wilder (or... was it Preston Sturges?) had a plaque in his office that read -- in Latin -- "This house does not smell of herring."
As inspirational plaques go, that's tough to improve upon.

New Member
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14/08/2008 11:23 pm  

Be creative FOR LESS.
There are all sorts of ways of improving one's workspace, most involving little or no expenditure, ie. garbagepicking, ah, the joy of found items, collect a whole bunch of discard books from a library, voila, The Wall of Books, or make some bookends and pottery from clay or paint some watercolors, just be creative, browse the curbs for outgoing junk, and remember that ole saying, "One man's trash is another man's treasure!"

Big Television Man
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15/08/2008 5:32 am  

I wouldn't decorate with anything
of value. A friend had a beautiful Shagreen desk set, blotter, pencil cup, letter opener and letter tray, 2 weeks after installation, gone! He now works for himself.

Illustrious Member
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15/08/2008 10:33 pm  

I once considered...
putting a small Fuller dome on mine and cracking a cyanide capsule.
But I quit instead. 🙂
Cubicles are literally inside the box.
Gustavo, you MUST weigh in on this one. 🙂

Illustrious Member
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15/08/2008 10:36 pm  

I saw the best minds of a generation...
Starving, hysterical, cubicle-raged...

Illustrious Member
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16/08/2008 12:15 am  

I would...
...visit Alcatraz or any other old fashion prison, just a place that dates back to the time when graffiti?s were accepted decorations on prison walls. Photograph them and put it on any vertical surface that now defines your personal space. Just to make the point. Those who do not understand will give you the satisfaction of not interfering, those who do will approve of your statement. Do not forget to put it on your screensaver!

Trusted Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 55
16/08/2008 12:15 am  

Here is a few good examples
Here is a few good examples

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
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16/08/2008 3:42 am  

Aluminum foil is definitive...
I am going to adopt it across the board!!!
Especially in my car for those times when I am caught in traffic.

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