Design Addict


Is this design? How...

Is this design? How to combine?  


New Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 2
29/06/2006 5:59 pm  

Since a few years I'm painting and sketching, creating works of art that people can integrate in their homes. Since many of you have a good sense of combining different styles together, what do you think would fit with my style of paintings and sketches?
You can find my paintings and sketches on:

Thx for the feedback!


Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2358
30/06/2006 9:00 am  

Understand: I am a layman...
First, if these are yours and not derived from someone I do not know about, you are original and authentic to the moment. I don't know if you are good (I'm not qualified to judge), but these are some of the most haunting eyeball dances I've looked at in a long time. My compliments.
Second, if you think the professional designers here are about mixing styles to create a living space (or artifact) collage, you are insulting them. They seem to be about finding and developing organizing themes of form, line and color...the way a painter does.
Be direct. Could anyone use my pictures in their interiors? You've taken the step to paint authentically. Now accept that they belong. Authenticity, no matter how unorthodox, belongs, if it is executed with talent and skill. If you can't accept it's belonging, no one else will. I believe it was Anais Ninn who said, "proceed from the dream outward." You have negotiated the inner voyage to the canvas. Now you must negotiate the outer voyage of what happens to dreams made real.
I suspect some might be able to use your paintings with clients with avant garde tastes. But as weirdly wonderous as your cybernetic raggedy man with balloon and Steven Speilberg moon behind him is, I kind of doubt its the best lead in for getting designers to look at your work. Frankly, its not indicative of what they are going to see. Unless it is a self portrait of the artist as a young cyborg, use it as a part of another collection that shares a common theme.

New Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 2
30/06/2006 1:51 pm  

Hey dcwilson,
Thank you...
Hey dcwilson,
Thank you for reply and feedback.
First of all, these are my paintings and sketches (I use pastels, if that's correct English?). I do not copy from anybody.
And the cybernetic raggedy man with balloon is not me 😉
It's hard to find honest feedback from my friends and family, that's why I posted the message on this board. I found this forum and I thought "why not try to get some feedback from people working with shapes and colours?".
I try not to insult anybody in life, so sorry if I insulted somebody.
I like the "You have negotiated the inner voyage to the canvas. Now you must negotiate the outer voyage of what happens to dreams made real." and I'll try to do so. The first part (the inner voyage to the canvas) is no problem,
the challange lies in the second part.
Thank you for your compliment in the first paragraph!


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