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death and design  


Illustrious Member
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 2534
10/03/2011 2:20 pm  

Apparantly burying corpses is really wasteful and can cause all sorts of problems.

I had this idea that we could cremate the dead in parabolic solar concentrators and then store the ashes in engraved stacked bronze cylinders or cubes so that over time a sort of family totem pole is built, maybe the containers could even take on a modular family tree form.

Does this sound appealing?

Famed Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 393
10/03/2011 5:47 pm  

Call me unsentimental
but I'm no fan of tombs, gravestones, engraved urns, or shrines of any sort. I think the dead should be cremated and their ashes scattered to the wind (like that song by Kansas).
A tiny percentage of people distinguish themselves in life and are remembered by history. As for the rest of us, it seems perfectly appropriate that we should be remembered only by those still living who knew us, or not at all.
The desire to leave behind a physical shrine suggests either excessive self-esteem, or no understanding of mortality, or maybe both. Future generations wouldn't be served by a hunk of stone, or bronze cylinder, with my immortal name engraved upon it.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 659
11/03/2011 2:08 pm  

The size of the parabolic solar concentrator?
I imagine them, diameter 100 metres.
The picture is powerful, like a film scene, you concentrate all the solar power of the universe in one point to burn you, once in a life time.
Then to the wind, the totem, or where ever.


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