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(continued) Todays Ridiculous find!  

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Reputable Member
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25/03/2011 6:42 am  

thanks fastfwd (USA)
thanks so much

Illustrious Member
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26/03/2011 7:10 am  

If I had a lounger
I'd want the leather to be less shiny.
Not suede, obviously -- too hard to shift around in the chair. But that crinkly/shiny look is troubling . . .

Estimable Member
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26/03/2011 8:07 am  

I agree, I usually love the look of these chairs, but the leather looks like a waxy mess on this example.

Noble Member
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26/03/2011 9:22 am  


Illustrious Member
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26/03/2011 3:22 pm  

The bright, harsh lighting ma...
The bright, harsh lighting may have something to do with the leather looking so glossy. Look at the deep shadows cast by the furniture on the floor. And if it was treated in the restoration process, it'll probably wear off with use, no? Maybe?
I've gotten tons of great stuff for cheap at auctions over the years but never on CL and I admire you people who do. I'm not sure why it is that I'm not willing to be vigilant enough to snag the good stuff. Maybe because I can't see what the competition is up to? At auctions I can watch actual competitors lurking in the shadows, eyeballing the thing I want while pretending to be interested in the grandpa recliner next to it that is caked with DNA and nicotine. But on CL? Constant blindsiding. My nerves just can't take it.

Illustrious Member
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26/03/2011 4:56 pm  

Craigslist is great.
Craigslist is great.
I have had some awesome finds, but you gotta get there first. I have missed a few too.
The most notable misses, that still hurt me.
1. Damn, I forget the same of the designer, but the wooden backed sofa and chair set from madmen for $375.
2. An egg chair (in need of restoration) for $175.

Trusted Member
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26/03/2011 7:08 pm  

craigslist frustration
The only place I've ever scored anything is on craigslist. But I agree it is such a headache. What's worse is that in my area finding anything requires spending an inordinate amount of time scrolling through absolute rubbish. So the handful of times each month something mildly interesting shows up it makes it all the more frustrating to find out that it's gone minutes after it has been posted.

Noble Member
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27/03/2011 11:31 am  

i can relate...
there is an individual, of means, who is constantly swooping up every damn thing that comes up on CL and immediately posting it on ebay at a massive profit...from what i understand, he has a network of "pickers" and its wiener-takes all...hes my nemesis...seriously like some villain...worst of he makes furniture...and it is God awful...poor design, poor insult to the beautiful woods hes far hes swooped a beaut of a credenza at $80 and a Jens Quistgaard for Lovig desk for dirt cheap...GGGRRARARARRAR!!!!

Reputable Member
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27/03/2011 11:55 am  

the super shine look to the leather is cause of the arc light and flash that was on during the picture... in person its nothing like this.

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28/03/2011 3:35 am  

I find...
...that out of everyone who has an Eames chair, that just appreciating the old one and its history is really what matters. I for one learned that when they where first made they used a "fuller" version of leather. Not to mention that also the thickness and crunch that it has, had alot to do with how the cows where being fed. Today there are alot more chemicals going into our cows then back then.
I for one really love that super black shinny leather! (:

Illustrious Member
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28/03/2011 4:04 am  

yes, I have one too. We live in the same town and he has swooped in on several things before I have. HOWEVER, he is cheap, so for instance he did not pony up for the Milo Baughman mixed wood table and 8 Glenn of California chairs because they were $300. Please allow me!

Reputable Member
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28/03/2011 11:50 pm  

theres one of those people...
In every salvation army Ive been to. I go about 2-3 times a week before work and I also see these same people. I hardly buy anything, but every time they leave they are leaving with some poorly taken care of "danish styled", most likely walnut dresser or something cheap to resell that same day on CL.

Illustrious Member
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30/03/2011 2:01 am  

No shortage of pickers,I'm afraid
I go to the thrift stores and there they are,picking through everything.These places are as busy as a Mall store during the holidays.You wonder how they can do this all the time,probably on the dole whilst flipping on CL or Ebay.I hate it when the women block the aisles with their carts.I swear it's strategic.

Active Member
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09/08/2011 9:28 am  

Arco Shade
Wondering if you still have the Arco shade? I am looking for one. Please let me know. thanks!
editing: not sure how I get this message to the person who posted he/she had the Arco shade?

Honorable Member
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09/08/2011 9:33 am  

i had it...not sure what...
i had it...not sure what your edit was about i dont even understand it...

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