The best advice I ever got about color in a kitchen was...
"Stick to food colors".
I have to say I agree with it. Red is an excellent choice, so is orange, yellow, green and anything in between. But blue and purple...not so much. To me there's something faintly grubby about even the tidiest blue kitchen. But I suppose that a splash of cobalt or a true clear blue would be OK.
there are blue and purple foods...but not many. Actually, using eggplant and blueberies (which are really purple, just squish one in your fingers, you'll know...) as examples, I think there are really no blue foods. Anyone know of a truly blue food?
So, by that logic, purple kitchens are OK, blue kitchens, nope. Not that I'd want either one.
"faintly grubby?"
Olive, with all the respect in the world, I'm hard pressed to agree that blue is wrong for kitchens. Seems to me the whole point is to AVOID food colors. The red/yellow/orange (and, God forbid, brown) range smacks of a "practical" impulse to camouflage spills, smudges and stains. No blue foods? Exactly.
Whatever its palette, however, I'm confident that your own kitchen is operating-room clean and as fresh as an Alpine glacier.
I do have to admit to a prejudice against blue. I just don't like it. And it is only my personal opinion that blue looks grubby. Unless it's the sky, or the ocean or somesuch, I find blue a depressing color. Right up there with beige. I am rather partial to highly saturated tones of periwinkle, though.
And you are right about color in kitchens, I favor neutrals with only splashes of color. I don't really like white though...too operating-room...although, in a bathroom white is Alpine fresh!
My sister works in real estate and it's apparently a hard & fast rule:
never use blue for model kitchens. The rationale is that it's unappetizing.... there are no blue foods, etcetery.
I say it's balderdash. When my own kitchen was white with turquoise accents for several years, I noticed no decline in my or anyone's appetite.
Does it kill one's appetite to eat picnic style, surrounded by green grass and blue sky?
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