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Chromcraft Mystery

Chromcraft Mystery  


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17/10/2017 7:34 am  

Hi All,

Has anyone ever seen this specific set of Chromcraft? I have found many many of the acrylic/Lucite version but not the opaque? This set was made in 1969 and even featured on Let's Make a Deal in 1969.I had one guy who has been doing vintage and MCM for 20 years tell me it was a unicorn. He has heard they exist but has never seen one but has had many of the acrylic/Lucite ones come through his shop. Any information would be helpful. I have searched and searched and can't figure it out. I think they are pretty rare because of the lack of information about them and also I can't find any others for sale. I may have something to do with that right around the time they were produced Chromcraft and Techfab were being sued by the government and the Navy for fraud. They may have stopped production and only made so many of them.


chromcraft4.jpgchromcraft3.jpg<img class="wpforoimg" src="

Illustrious Member
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17/10/2017 4:02 pm  

It may have also been because Burke was producing a set in white that looked even more like the Saarinen originals that they were all copying? Burke bases didn't have that visible joint where the stems meet the bottoms. I don't know, just guessing.

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17/10/2017 6:54 pm  

Hi Spanky,

Thanks for your comment. That could have been it.


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17/10/2017 9:13 pm  

It would seem that this particular design was produced in much smaller numbers than the acrylic version, and to the right person, that may make it desirable..........but, unfortunately, I think this is probably one of those situations in which rare does not mean especially it's still essentially a (literally and figuratively) poor man's Saarinen set.

That said, it is a cool set, and certainly worth your time to clean up and either keep, or re-home.

Illustrious Member
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17/10/2017 11:03 pm  

My god.

That above snappy posted by joy (the OP) is of none other than the infamous Carol Merrill...who was once Mr. Merrill Carole. The dress is definitely Halston. Cheap shoes. I'm shivering.

My god,

Aunt Mark


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18/10/2017 4:58 am  

Hi Mark, Isn't that a great still photo!

Hi wcharles4, Thanks, I think it's a cool set. It is a tank!! Very heavy. I spent 3 hours scrubbing the dirt off of it. What you see is where the paint has scratched off. How would you go about restoring it? Also, not sure if this is ok but what do you think the value would be? Thanks, Joy


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