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Modern Love
Illustrious Member
Joined: 12 years ago
Posts: 947
20/05/2007 12:20 am  

Hey norris!!!
This site has a proper place for advertising, where Patrick and Alix are compensated financially for running and maintaining this site that you, norris, are enjoying for free. This thread circumvents any of advertising fees that this site should be paying to Patrick and Alix.
Norris, if vintageandmoderninc is a "player" in this "game", why did they drop ZERO coin on advertising on this site. The real players are either sponsoring DesignAddict, or have entered their link in the dealers links section and are respecting the rules of the forum. Instead these guys sneak a plug on the forum (a big and tasteless no-no), and use Patrick and Alix's hard work for free.
What does that say about a company that would do this? Norris, do you really think this is making the design market healthy? Would you want to support a company that would do this?
Love the game, love the players, yes. But this company, quite frankly, is cheating. It's not expensive to sponsor DesignAddict, Patrick and Alix actually make it quite cheap. Do you think it would have been better for this company's image, to have paid for a clickable logo in the "visit our sponsors" area, than to have this demeaning thread up.
Do you still think I am being contradictory? I believe the only contradition I made, was to make another post, to shoot this thread right back up to the top of the forum again. However, it was necessary. And I have no problems with anyone reading this post for sure.
Support DesignAddict, and those who support and respect DesignAddict.

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