well, I had a little extra time on my hands today.
I decided to go against the majority and not offer it to the fire mulch kindling gods, instead I pulled all 31 joints apart, cleaned and sanded, reglued with epoxy, then reassemmbled and clamped up for a few hours, sanded and faired, then cleaned and primed..now ready for paint!
Sure, likly more work than it's worth for a lousy old chair, but a satisfying day in the sun. I think it looks more McCobbish than shaker?
Thanks reatcreative for your positive responce, now to choose a color.
congrats, Setag
I was going to second your vote. I see chairs on the street that just need a joint reglued. People give up too easily -- or simply don't know that the piece isn't junk -- yet !
And that's a pretty little chair. Interesting to note that the leg is threaded into the seat. I assume you included the leg in the glue-up ?
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