Design Addict


chair design  


New Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 1
22/02/2007 12:11 am  

i need a chair design but im facing some problems. about measurements mainly.
can some one give me some information and ideas.
the chair has to be functionable, modern and eye catchy.
hope i have some replies
10x all

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2054
23/02/2007 4:55 pm  

I am a designer... I can not answer your question but I would like to abuse your space to point out that this particular thread is the 4000th tread in this forum. (the first numbers are empty). Six years ago, someone started off by asked how to repair a George Nelson lamp and...never got an answer. So much for a good start. But it has not taken much time before this forum became the most interesting and most active in it's field (no, not the Barcelona chair). Early contributors like Michael Van Kleeff, Heath Pakeman made this forum a real source of information and shared knowledge. I only came on board at nbr. 22, and I do not read all of them so I am not ready to blow any candles yet but I would take this opportunity to salute the two people that keep this site alive. Alix and Patrick. Very knowledgeable collectors themselves they have not only created one of the most accessible sites on the web but they have also kept it going through difficult times at the expense of time and money. Driven by their own passion and the firm believe that, along with fake Barcelone chairs, they would serv the people that are interested in design at a number of different levels, they have accepted the challenge to keep this going no matter where the technical, programming and time demands that it's growing popularity would bring. You both deserve our gratitude!!

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 431
23/02/2007 5:35 pm  

Hoorah! to Patrick and Alix.I was introduced to this forum by a couple of boys i know,they said i would like it and they were right.Not many places would put up with my occasional drunken outbursts and at the same time inform me of design orientated topics.Its great fun honeys.Could it be the family that i never had?.Oh Cesri...just design one sure it will be fabulous.

Noble Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 277
23/02/2007 6:50 pm  

to cesri
"a chair" well if you do not find the right measurements; first consider what kind of chair you want to design; office chair, kitchen chair, lounge chair, ... then take an existing one where you sit very well on it and take those measurements (off course you can also use le corbusiers modulor, human ergonomics facts, bosch templates and so on). oh designing is so easy! then consider in what kind of material you want to make it, design a form and make some mock ups and prototypes. Designing the chair is so what the easiest thing to do...but to design one that is distinctive of those millions existing, that's another story.
I have been around this forum also for quite some years now and although i do not read all threads i still find this forum a very good one where people from around the globe share thoughts and from time to time i learn some new stuff (just the another day when koen pointed out that dyson indeed is a qualified designer 😉 ) patrick and alix should win a vandevelde prijs for this (for bringing design closer to the people), maybe that the 'new' institute WCC-BF (in mons; some new walloon equivalent of design flanders) can organise this!


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