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can i get an opinio...

can i get an opinion on my sofa  


Eminent Member
Joined: 14 years ago
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05/03/2007 10:46 pm  

It is not stamped or anything, just a generically vintage sofa that i bought and reupholstered.
i am having space issues, and have built an armless series for my new house, and can't use this sofa that i have had for a few years (mostly in storage)
It has a higher back, and will destroy my sightline from the library to the fireplace, so i am going to sell it, or put it back in storage.
is it just me, or is this a very good looking sofa?

I don't know how to post images here, so I have included the link to the images below.

Eminent Member
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05/03/2007 10:48 pm  

i know it seems like i am selling all my stuff
but the house i just bought is REALLY REALLY TINY!!!
edit, edit, edit.
very difficult for a packrat and a collector of furniture.
I have a ridiculous number of lamps and chairs.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 431
05/03/2007 11:17 pm  

Hello Jdot.
I like the colour of your sofa,i see what you mean re. its size as it looks quite large.You could of course sell everything then start all over again, thats the best part isnt it?.

Eminent Member
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05/03/2007 11:29 pm  

ack the problem is i have storage available
i suppose i simply could keep collecting, and then start selling it all as a mini-business. I doubt anyone will buy the sofa for that price though.
What bugs me is that I had it in my showroom just after we reupholstered it, and a girl was interested in purchasing. But I wasn't ready to sell, and I obviously wasn't smart enough to get her phone number.
Maybe she will see the kijiji ad.

Illustrious Member
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Posts: 431
06/03/2007 1:01 am  

Good idea jdot.
Trouble is you would collect the things you like and not want to sell them!. Have you considered extending your house?.I admit that i am quite the same in so far as the lamps and chairs fetish, i have rooms full.Maybe we should collect miniatures?,(not the alcoholic ones).

Eminent Member
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06/03/2007 1:13 am  

hehehe, i would squash miniatures accidentally
after getting into the wine.
Not really worth extending the house, it is a 1923 bungalow, plaster and lathe construction, and to extend the house would put it out of character with the neighbourhood, and i would never get a return on my investment. It is basically like a big apartment with a yard, perfect for me, and i don't want to eat up the yard space with more house.
I think I just need to start letting things go more often. I have started collecting art these days, the vintage market here is a bit weird, and i don't find much these days that isn't overpriced or crappy. The art market however is great, and i do have some wall space left.

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06/03/2007 2:58 am  

and and and and and
like omigod!
I will apologize right now for my horrific overuse of the word 'and'.
You never realize until you read your own posts how much editing all aspects of your life actually require...

Illustrious Member
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06/03/2007 3:40 am  

you could collect art until you have filled your walls!.What is it about people that makes us collect things i wonder?.Doesnt matter if you repeat words in your post does it? as long as your point comes across, some of mine are really bad,but then im usually too drunk to see the keeboord!.

Illustrious Member
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06/03/2007 5:18 am  

Four 'ands'
in two paragraphs doesn't seem excessive to me. . .
A low price isn't enough to get me to buy something I don't need. Am I nuts ?

Eminent Member
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06/03/2007 6:25 am  

i am happy the ands didn't seem excessive
to someone, they just stuck out to me. similar i suppose to the habit of saying 'um' in between sentences.
your comment about low price not being enough to buy something is interesting. I will pay whatever it takes to get something i need. But not quite that much for something i only want. and another lamp, no matter how interesting it is, is only a want.
I also grew up in Winnipeg, notorious for cheapness, something i struggle with daily running a high end furniture shop.

azurechicken (USA)
Illustrious Member
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Posts: 1966
06/03/2007 8:16 am  

perfect perch for an ice princess.....


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