Design Addict


can anyone identify...

can anyone identify this chair?  


Prominent Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 153
23/04/2010 1:14 am  

I found this beautiful rosewood and vinyl armchair in a second hand shop and had to have it,it's of very high quality and even though there are no markings on it I thought it might be attributed to someone?

Illustrious Member
Joined: 15 years ago
Posts: 3499
23/04/2010 1:33 am  

You're a dealer no? Or trying...
You're a dealer no? Or trying to get an appraisal to sell? Why else would you go to the trouble of clipping out all of your images in photoshop?
Nice chairs.

Prominent Member
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Posts: 153
23/04/2010 1:34 am  


Illustrious Member
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 652
23/04/2010 2:54 am  

I`ve seen your Flickr images before, lots of images lifted straight from auction websites asking people to identify the pieces.
If you are going to be a dealer you should try being a bit more tactful towards your chosen industry.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 522
23/04/2010 2:55 am  

Sorry, farted. Or made a...
fart. Sorry, but I have farted.
Or made a fart in a sense, obviously, in gastro-economic terms, past tense.

Pegboard Modern
Illustrious Member
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23/04/2010 4:54 am  

I like your card
Very fancy.

Pegboard Modern
Illustrious Member
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Posts: 1303
23/04/2010 5:41 am  

Why did you go back and delete your post where you said that you were not a dealer, but rather a photographer for dealers who has acquired an appreciation for mid-century?
Oh. I see.
Well, graeme I'm sorry if you feel awkward about not being totally honest but you should know that it's perfectly fine to be a dealer and participate in the forum. There are several of us who contribute regularly (and that is also a good idea, give if you are going to take). You certainly can't be expected to know everything. I don't, and I don't know anyone else who does. But I think you might find folks more inclined to share their knowledge with others who are being straight with them.
Just my opinion.

Prominent Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 153
23/04/2010 7:22 am  

thanks for that,you're...
thanks for that,you're totally right,that's why I did it,the way you put your initial question I thought there was something wrong with posting that I'm a dealer on here,sorry for lying about that,was just not sure about the protocol of this site,my first day on it you see,that's why I deleted my response,wasn't too comfortable with having put it up there...
That being said,you'll find that I will contribute as and when I can to this forum once I get started on it,I found it this afternoon and thought it might be a good way to identify this astonishing little chair that I found,as I said in a second hand shop and have been unable to source.
Thaks for your advice


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