Design Addict


buy to sell?  


Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 3499
16/02/2007 8:40 pm  

Have any of you ever bought some design because you knew it would be worth something? Seems a few contemporary designers are getting top dollar in the auctions... and aren't taht expensive to buy new. Take the Marc Newson's coast chair for instance. Now I know the version fetching the real money is the wooden version, and perhaps they have to originate from the actual restaurant it was designed for. I don't know. But it seems in years to come even the mass produced plastic dining sets would be worth some significant money.

I don't mean to seem shallow, but what's the harm in making a smart purchase now?

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 431
16/02/2007 10:02 pm  

Hello Whitespike...
No problem with that at all honey!...if you have some spare cash to invest and an empty room..fill it up!.The trick is knowing what to buy/reserve.Maybe if we only bought works we love then we wouldnt be too downhearted to keep them should they not rise in value or become scarce.Tell us what you have invested in..go on.

Robert Leach
Illustrious Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 3212
17/02/2007 12:44 am  

I agree
But buy what you have to live with it !
But if you buy well, you will do well in the future..should you decide to sell 🙂


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