Design Addict


This board's curren...

This board's current threads are almost entirely for ID's  

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Illustrious Member
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Posts: 984
02/07/2010 10:01 am  

Now the scrap-bookers... : )
http://Interesting Chair--Can you identify the designer?

Modern Love
Illustrious Member
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Posts: 947
02/07/2010 10:52 am  

Some of the latest pieces being posted for ID requests
are not even close to the realm of modernism. I wonder how they are finding their way here.

Sound & Design
Illustrious Member
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02/07/2010 11:17 am  

I've no idea if this is the c...
I've no idea if this is the case, could it be they find your beauty irresistible?

Sound & Design
Illustrious Member
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02/07/2010 11:19 am  

Seriously tho, doing a...
Seriously tho, doing a rudimentry google search like "Chair Id" will bring up a DA link.

Trusted Member
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02/07/2010 11:34 am  

Search for 'chair id' on google like you said, and my thread comes up! Looks like i'm going to be famous after all. In your face high school guidance councilor!!

Illustrious Member
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02/07/2010 12:10 pm  

Couldn't get over the person ...
Suprised by the person who didn't bother to turn their own lcw over to look for a sticker

Sound & Design
Illustrious Member
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02/07/2010 12:14 pm  

haha..truth Heath...truth!
haha..truth Heath...truth!

Illustrious Member
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02/07/2010 12:20 pm  

You caught me editing on the ...
You caught me editing on the hop:) I didn't want to be nasty to a new person, I've made some stupid and rude comments in the past myself.
Another forum I go on has a sticky thread at the top explaining things like how to post photos and a reminder to be polite, perhaps we could have that here until the changes happen.

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02/07/2010 8:10 pm  

I'd like to apologize...
I'm one of the people who recently posted an ID request for a chair I've had for many years (reference "Interesting Chair--Can you identify the designer?". I've spent hours and hours researching it on the internet, searching images, forums, and possible designers. I've sent pictures/e-mails to dealers and other professed experts many times, with no results.
When I stumbled upon this forum (referenced on another, I was unaware what the purpose of the forum was, who its target members were, what kind of pieces it catered to, and the like. I don't believe that information was apparent to me when I posted.
I'm sorry if I've sent this to the wrong group; however, it's not because I'm lazy, arrogant, or stupid. I would just like to know the origin of this chair of mine, which is ostensibly old, but has no apparent/legible markings that I see.
It seems to me, as one more forgiving user/contributor put it, that some ID requests give this forum's users/contributors the opportunity to see, or maybe even acquire, interesting pieces for your own or your clients' design purposes, and to that extent is not entirely useless inquiry. However, I can/do see how it would get old simply providing expert information to mercenaries for free. Though I'm not in that latter category, I am sorry to add to that torrent.
If anyone can point me to the proper place for my inquiry, I'd sure appreciate it.
Again, sorry.

Illustrious Member
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02/07/2010 8:16 pm  

No worries... I think you make a valid point. If one visits this forum directly for the first time, the purpose and typical subject matter are not immediately obvious.
We are always glad to welcome visitors and new members who are genuinely interested in design (particularly interiors and architecture according to the forum's description), and it doesn't necessarily have to be modern (that is just what the majority of us are into the most).

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02/07/2010 8:18 pm  

Sticky note...
I think that if you want to keep out the riff-raff, so to speak, maybe it would be a good idea to have a sticky note/thread like Heath suggested. I've run a BBS/forum before, but I moderated it and approved memberships. Perhaps you could require certain qualifications be met in order to post, automatically transfer ID requests to a separate thread as Artie suggested), or if you had a popup/dialog that explained the purpose of the forum, so that wayward users don't end up here. All good things to consider.
Thanks for your time.

Illustrious Member
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02/07/2010 8:24 pm  

All these things have been discussed over time and again recently as you can probably tell. The challenge is that there are only a "handful" of very regular members, and we have differing opinions on the ideal approach. In the end, it will come down to what Patrick and Alix decide, since they are the ones providing this venue for us.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
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02/07/2010 9:28 pm  

No worries, my man. I didn't start this thread to complain. Rather to further the discussion about whether or not to make a separate section for IDs because they are so prevalent.
You are not the irritant at all. When it's a bother it is when people are obviously using it to promote their ebay auctions or to use our "experts" rather than do a little googling to make money quick. Not that making money/selling things is bad, it just gets tiresome to the ones wanting to simply discuss design. It has the tendency to take over the board for the sake of free appraisals. And often enough, the info has been mulled over and over again. If you're just a fella with a piece you like and am curious about, no harm no foul!
But even then, the question is raised about separating the main discussion board ... which is really a place to talk about design, from an area to talk about identification, and if the hosts are willing, value.
Perhaps the sticky note with the rules for asking an ID without a separate forum would be simpler and would suffice. It's worth a shot. I know that some amount is inevitable, but it might wane it a bit.
Welcome to the board!!!
PS - I would like to take this opportunity too to suggest that the regulars who have been desensitized by these irritants to step back and remember to be gracious to everyone. Let's keep the sarcasm and the jumping to quick conclusions to a minimum, if only for the sake of our generous hosts. I am man enough to admit that I myself have been at fault here as well.

vintage damage
Trusted Member
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Posts: 79
02/07/2010 11:47 pm  

I'm liking the sticky thread ...
I'm liking the sticky thread for I.D. (plus repair) threads. A required inclusion to the title could be helpful, like: "I.D." and "TECH". That keeps everything easy to view. When the inevitable postings show that ignore the sticky, that would give legitimate targets to rag on for those of you who relish such things.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 1879
03/07/2010 1:32 am  

Personally, I like the forum...
Personally, I like the forum the way it is. Nobody is forced to read any thread that they don't want to. As for the ID threads, I don't mind them all that much. Depends on who is asking and how they go about it. Its often a nice opportunity to bot share and acquire knowledge. If you see a thread with an ID that you don't want to be bothered with......just go down to the next thread. Although it will also likely be an ID request, you don't have to look at that one either 😉 Remember, if there were no ID threads, there would be no Gianni Sacchetto di Frutta

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