Design Addict


This board's curren...

This board's current threads are almost entirely for ID's  

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vintage damage
Trusted Member
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Posts: 79
01/07/2010 1:12 am  

Right on
A meat/philosophy sort of split would be nice and it would prevent us having to jump all around. It is important to separate out more than just the i.d. requests (like repair requests etc.)to the meat section, to avoid the continuation of those complaints and nuisances.
If you want to offer your contact info safely, show a twitter account on your postings. They have a remarkably safe "direct message" option.

Illustrious Member
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01/07/2010 2:06 am  

Really bad use of English, dilute to make arid! I did have a hangover if thats any excuse.
If you look on the last three pages of posts you can see that if they were to be divided up into sections there would be one large forum and a few other sparse ones, it wouldn't look good and you'd effectively have to click onto 3 or 4 separate forums. I'm interested in everything from fabrics to wood machining and like to see all of those different aspects at once. There is often a crossover if one particular piece is being discussed.
Some threads change a lot over time and might end up being something that belongs in a different category.
I suppose the post headers could be tagged though.

Ark of Decorati...
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Posts: 221
01/07/2010 2:42 am  

Divide an conquer is not the answer.
Divide an conquer is not the answer. This forum is a success is it stands. After all you seem to be reading and complaining.
whitespeak was right (I know it is hard to believe) in his second sentence of the first posting.
For me it a fact of life to be inspired and to inspire others with no consideration for time only for desire.
If you are tired of reading, feel free to close this application on your computer. That is why GOD put the red X in the right hand corner.

Illustrious Member
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01/07/2010 2:50 am  

Why is it hard to believe I...
Why is it hard to believe I was right Ark?

Illustrious Member
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01/07/2010 3:32 am  

GOD did that?

Ark of Decorati...
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01/07/2010 4:15 am  

Yes and no.
I was attempting to appeal to the most basic nature and understanding, GOD, of that unfortunate individual who thought the catagory: Design and Architectural Travel tips and discussions, valid due to fact that reading made him tired. My thoughts were only to help him understand how better to turn off the computer when you are tired and read later upon awaking. I thought the mention of god may help them understand the "magic" of the off button. It was just an altruisitic moment trying to help the ignorant.

Illustrious Member
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01/07/2010 4:22 am  

Seriously, you can stop referring to me as ignorant and talking down to me as well. I never said we should have those categories, I simply made an observation about the number of ID threads. I even said perhaps we should give in to them.
I don't know what you've read that would cause you to believe that I am stupid or "unfortunate." I feel quite fortunate. I have a beautiful family, a stable graphic design job where my wife doesn't have to work, an architect-designed modern home, and plenty of hobbies and friends around me. Jealous yet? I made all of this happen on my own without money or a proper education. How could I possibly be stupid?
And we are ALL ignorant ... only on different subjects. So that I'll give you.
How's this for an ID? You're a f**cking a$$hole. All my best,

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01/07/2010 6:07 am  

I often find myself hoping...
I often find myself hoping you all know each other and much of this back & forth is just macho trash talk between friends.
RE: the issues at hand, I, too would like to read more new threads with in-depth design philosophy (for lack of a better word) and critique. Also interesting are discussions of technique and subtle aesthetic differences within this diverse group of regulars. Sometimes an ID entry stimulates valuable discussion but too requests are thinly veiled expectations for a price tag. Separating ID posts and suggesting (requiring?) that specific information be provided ...for example, image(s), country and location found/noticed.
Reading past threads is a rewarding although time-consuming task that new members should be reminded to consider, not to mention the other categories here like radar, books and blog. References to previous threads are useful in responses and this search engine seems better than another site I frequent.
Thanks. I enjoy this site and learn. No I doubt will continue to do so however it evolves. Palli (Ohio, USA)

Ark of Decorati...
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01/07/2010 6:57 am  

You are wrong
I was talking down to alexandersforum (I took a direct quote and an out of context quote from his posting) and I truly thought your were correct as I stated in my original posting. I do not think you are ignorant. It would appear that you are emotional and quick tempered. This is just an observation and not a comdenation. Foul language aside I am sure that you are a "good person".

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
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01/07/2010 8:32 am  

So you were bashing someone...
So you were bashing someone else. That makes it better. I was the original one who said it made my eyes tired.. Get the mistake?
"valid due to fact that reading made him tired."

Ark of Decorati...
Noble Member
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Posts: 221
01/07/2010 9:48 am  

That makes it better
Of course "That makes it better"! You are a fun person and I gather from your previous posting you are also a good family man, reliable financial provider, and well respected in the community at large as well as socially and culturally enlightened. These are high standards and I commend you. I am not jealous or envious, on the contrary I am pleased for you and all you have acheived by hard work and persaverance.
The best part about being me is what I believe is true, my desires may become reality, and with the exception of a few, all others thoughts and actions are of little or no concern to me save their capacity to provide and serve. It is much easier this way.
postscript: It does not matter how "means" are acquired, the object is to have more than most to lavish upon yourself in life and give the rest to those US citizens who continue to suffer.

Trusted Member
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Posts: 61
01/07/2010 9:48 am  

I love it the way it is!
I only discovered Design Addict a short time ago, but i have been hooked ever since. Personally, i have been a fan of furniture design for many years and i have several unusual pieces of furniture in my home. I am a working stiff, and all of my furniture has always been discovered either in thrift stores, or garage sales, and i love the thrill of the hunt. My daily routine usually involves browsing the forum before i check my email each day. I love the fact that the topics for discussion vary from one day to the next, and contrary to most of what i have been reading, I look forward to the post that ask for help with furniture ID's. I am also guilty of starting several 'please help ID' threads, but whenever possible i do post a followup and i have even made a successful ID myself! I love to hear about the stories that come along the piece the owner is trying to identify, and i wish there were more of that.
When i heard people asking to change the forum or separate into two sections or give the ID's their own forum, i wanted to share my opinion. I think it is perfect the way it is. If one does not want to read a thread asking for an ID, one simply may choose not to click on that thread. If i could contribute a suggestion which may, in my opinion, benefit the forum, it would be to implement a code of conduct, by that i mean an official policy to treat people with respect. I have noticed, in my short time here, that there are a few individuals who seem to post comments simply for the sake of posting them, and 90% of the time these comments are either ludicrous in nature or simply malicious and occasionally downright insulting. This seems more prevalent towards newcomers. I have tried to get friends hooked on the site, but several of them have commented that they been completely turned of by these types of postings. I love humor, and i am not suggesting this site should be dull and serious 100% of the time, but surely there is room for improvement. To the individuals who constantly and consistently post comments as i mentioned i would like to say 'If you choose to behave like the class clown, don't be surprised when you discover everyone thinks you're a fool'.

Illustrious Member
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Posts: 1208
01/07/2010 11:00 am  

All joking aside...
I'd rather peruse an ID thread than this one.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 2534
01/07/2010 11:50 am  

Ark, your bizarre narcissism...
Ark, your bizarre narcissism is getting a bit sickening now, you're not attractive, its not funny and I think you need a psychiatrist.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 1208
01/07/2010 12:11 pm  

Just perused a couple of ID threads...
Didn't come off well.

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