Design Addict


This board's curren...

This board's current threads are almost entirely for ID's  

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Illustrious Member
Joined: 13 years ago
Posts: 1395
30/06/2010 3:57 pm  

would be helpful. Make sure to put Identifications/VALUATIONS because that is what 99% of the ID questioners are really asking for in the first place. If they don't see a Valuations category, they will plop their question in the first available category.
Just my two cents.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 439
30/06/2010 5:50 pm  

some suggestions for categories
Identification and Valuation
Modern Design Discussion
Contemporary Design Discussion
Design and Architectural Travel tips and discussions

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 439
30/06/2010 6:04 pm  

I realize that my list is...
I realize that my list is almost the same as Patrick and Alix's...
I agree with you also about the "Architecture and interior design" category. I would prefer to divide these into two separate categories, but maybe that was what you meant as well?
I thought that separating the design category into 'Modern' and 'Contemporary', would maybe benefit deeper discussions on contemporary design, which are now almost always overshadowed by Modern design discussions. It is of course useful to compare old and new, but sometimes I get the feeling that these discussions are overshadowed or even hi-jacked by the forever ongoing discussion about 'the best lounge chair ever' etc etc...

Lit Up
Illustrious Member
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Posts: 531
30/06/2010 6:12 pm  

in the meantime, they should...
in the meantime, they should rename the forum ID addict 🙂

Illustrious Member
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30/06/2010 6:38 pm  

Don't forget...
One category just for Lit Up's posts.

Illustrious Member
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30/06/2010 7:25 pm  

And Jyri.
Jyri needs his own category.

Illustrious Member
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30/06/2010 9:07 pm  

Heath couldn't have said it better IMO
"Thanks to Whitespike for prompting this. I'd be a bit concerned that breaking it up too much might dilute the forum into something that is a bit arid, personally I'd favour just one separate channel for ID threads and group everything else together.
One thing I would like but which is probably too difficult would be the ability to contact other posters privately or off site, perhaps profiles? I would gladly pay an annual fee if there could be a members section."
I wholeheartedly agree that dividing into too many categories could make the board lose energy and make it appear to to be stagnant. I think one separate area for IDs and one for discussion would suffice - part of the charm of this site it it's simplicity. While some newbies occasionally bash the simple nature of the site it's the long time memebrs that appreciate it and who have earned a right to keep it that way. I vote for small gradual changes, as this site doesn't doesn't seem like it will ever dissipate (unless our generous hosts so decide). There is no hurry as nothing is actually broken.
If there was time/energy/money flowed into the site for something that could be considered drastic, I also agree on the idea of "profiles" and ways to contact members. I think many of us, at some point, have wished to contact another member for one reason or another ... but posting your email on the www makes me queasy. I think this could increase the sense of community and the chances of DAs meeting person, with easy tools for knowing where our DA friends are, and what their "real life" personalities are ... which adds to the humanity and opportunity for real long standing friendships.
And while I am piss poor, I would not mind paying a small annual fee (donation) to include this feature. Even a 20 dollar fee would help provide a decent donation every year to the cause and weed out those who just wanna stop by and get one question answered about their tiki eames era atomic scoop chairs.

Lit Up
Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 531
30/06/2010 9:10 pm  

yeah. but if you charge, the...
yeah. but if you charge, the new members might all end up being in the trade.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2201
30/06/2010 9:43 pm  

I'd be happy if...
there was a section called..."Post your requests for info here". All the other semi-off track stuff is fine to stay in the main thread stream.
Although, I think Riki's right...Jyri needs his own category!
Like Whitespike, I'd be willing to make a yearly donation for the privilege of a forum that is actually about design. I used to learn a lot coming here, now I more often just trip over my keyboard and type things I end up regretting! I'd love to get 'back to basics' at it were.

Noble Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 229
30/06/2010 11:01 pm  

Thanks for your...
Thanks for your input.
The profiles are part of the improvements that we intend to add. Personnal messages are more complicated to integrate because the risk that they are used for commercial purpose is important. It would become impossible to post a picture of an item without being contacted by potential buyers.
Maybe there could be an intermediate solution where one could choose to be contacted only by members that one chooses.
We have to think about the best solution. The new changes should not generate new nuisance.
Moreover, we will do everything to avoid any fee to access the forum. But, it might be a good idea to forbid all valuation requests on the forum and find a way to ask a fee to obtain this kind of information.

Robert Leach
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30/06/2010 11:06 pm  

I'd be more than happy
I'd be more than happy to identify something if any small fee went towards the upkeep of the site.
Could this be workable ?
A glass site I use has an 'Isit?' section, whereby positive IDs can be given, or not.. but that involves a level of knowledge from the poster in the first place.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 652
30/06/2010 11:24 pm  

Yes Heath has hit the nail on the head there.
To split the forum up into lots of different catagories would make the whole ting too rigid and predictable.
At the moment it feels very expressive and open, if not slightly chaotic and I think that should be encouraged.
Granted, the way things are going with ID requests a seperate area for these posts would not be such a bad idea.
I like the idea about being able to contact other forum members and would have no problem signing up to such a scheme.

Sound & Design
Illustrious Member
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Posts: 1445
30/06/2010 11:33 pm  

If this forum should be...
If this forum should be dissolved into numerous sub categories, then I suggest adding a "Casual Encounters" category.

Sound & Design
Illustrious Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 1445
30/06/2010 11:34 pm  

To be more constructive, I'm steadfast in my view "Less is More". I would hate to see a breakdown of random international conversations regarding all aspects of design. For me, It would be the withering of a beautiful flower.

shipwright (UK)
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30/06/2010 11:38 pm  

no i.d.ea!
why and when did the forum turn into a medieval cabal dividing the knowing from the knowing not? easy enough to pass by a request to share knowledge. I have researched fervently for twenty years and thankfully there's too much I don't yet know. Given that advertisements are discouraged, would it be acceptable to post vintage ads, images from brochures etc., that generally have accompanying text, font, colour contemporaneous with the design being advertised. I have been enjoying some from a catalogue designed by Edward White for an exhibition , The architecture of technology (London: Whitefriars Press, 1961) [catalogue of the exhibition of the 6th Congress of the International Union of Architects, London 3?8 July 1961]
Another source of images of furniture in situ, are the early twentieth century publications by Architectural Press ( Consultant Editor: George Nelson) such as Smaller Retail Shops 1937, Tomorrow's House 1945, New Houses 1964, Since there is already a healthy competitive spirit when it comes to I.D. requests, even for the accolade of joker in the pack, see who can be quick off the draw.
As soon as I get my loaned camera back, I'll post some of the early ads.

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