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The best vacation e...

The best vacation ever.....  

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Estimable Member
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05/06/2014 7:00 am  

I found this painting at a junk store, its my favorite picture ever
The colours are amazing. The artist name is Poe, he was a street artist in Malaysia in the 50/60's
I thought the best adventure, slash vacation would be to find out exactly where this was painted.
I wonder what it looks like now....
What's your favorite art piece or vacation spot

Illustrious Member
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05/06/2014 2:02 pm  

So hard to choose...
I haven't visited either place, but I think I'd enjoy Mark's patio or Riki's chalet.
It's even harder to pick just one favorite art piece. But these are nice:

Illustrious Member
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05/06/2014 6:56 pm  

how kind of you fastfwd.
You are welcome to visit anytime. I've taken some odd vacations over the years. Marfa Texas and Burning Man are unique and memorable. I recall renting an Airstream camper for a few nights in Marfa..and it came with some good old fashion" wheel chair weed". I once flew the Concorde from JFK to Heathrow..and back (and camped out like a rock star for a couple of weeks). The Ritz in Paris very nice. But mostly, I like to stay close to my old cat Mr. Chopper.
Aunt Mark
ps Riki's chalet is much nicer than my hub capped patio....and she mixes killer cocktails.

Illustrious Member
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05/06/2014 7:18 pm  

My favorite vacation is to look
for shells on a beach somewhere. And I have too many favorite pieces of art to pick just one. But for art and vacation in one, the most wonderful place I've ever been is the Louisiana Museum outside of Copenhagen. The sculpture garden is soul-restoring.

Estimable Member
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05/06/2014 8:48 pm  

Unique Forms of Continuity in Space
is also one of my favorite pieces. It's a very striking piece in person. I had the opportunity to see it at the High. Luckily it was placed so that it could be enjoyed in the round.

Estimable Member
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06/06/2014 1:17 am  

Just breath taking all of it
Especially Aunt Mark a burner
That's just awesome, any pics?

Illustrious Member
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06/06/2014 1:31 am  

my favorite vacation spot is nearby. My mom lives on a very remote, rather rustic town on the Oregon coast. The beaches are wild and deserted. I go there with my son and fly kites and climb hills and get very dirty. There are alot of artists there...some of them quite good.
My wife and I once stayed on the outermost islands of Scotland. Nobody there. Great food. Lots of sheep. I still think of that often.

Illustrious Member
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06/06/2014 4:56 am  

When I was a kid, my parents would take us on a back roads drive to visit friends in a little town about an hour from our SF bay area suburban house. The town seemed so far away, and it always felt like a vacation resort type town to me. I guess that's why I live here now. It reminds me of vacation. Not that far from home, but a million miles away.
As for REAL vacations, we don't take too many. Four cats, enough said!
As for art, I enjoy the Southern California artists who explore light and space. Robert Irwin, James Turrell, Doug Wheeler, etc.
I think Jim Turrell learned early on that you just can't beat a good window.

Illustrious Member
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06/06/2014 5:34 am  

yup tulip, I have some snaps from a few different " burn's"........ of my actual tender filthy self...unfortunately, I am somewhat wardrobe challenged in most shots to post snappies of such ribaldry shenanigans on such a hifalutin forum. I went with my sister the first time. We shared a ____________.
Aunt Mark
ps. edited to remove a tragic nude snappy, I'm so sorry. I need help.

Illustrious Member
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06/06/2014 6:20 am  

no way!
You mean I missed the tragic nude snappy?

Illustrious Member
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06/06/2014 8:01 am  

I need to check DA more often...Mark, could you send me an email next time?

Illustrious Member
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06/06/2014 8:13 am  

it was not pretty EamesHead.

Illustrious Member
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06/06/2014 10:42 am  

You are all
welcome to come visit. Well, maybe not all of you. Favorite vacation has been to Singita Boulders Lodge for a safari in the Kruger National Park in South Africa. I think I took 5,000 pictures.
Here's my view this morning as I drink my coffee. Why would I ever want to go anywhere else?

Illustrious Member
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06/06/2014 12:34 pm  

And you're all welcome to visit me, too.
The view out my window:

Illustrious Member
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06/06/2014 4:53 pm  

I need to see the sun rise every morning with a mild vodka and cranberry ..and perhaps a piece of toast.
Early bird am I,
Aunt Mark

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