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Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 659
20/05/2011 3:27 pm  

Wood and sustainability
I was just about to ask this here at that moment, but now that Olive and SDR talked about in the logo thread, I ask now.
I came here, perhaps afraid to be confused with the guys SDR talk about and so, to be the first DAer to test the Iprod. 🙂
How does wood involves into sustainability?
I see a contradiction in the point that, wood looks great, look sustainable.
But indeed you are killing a tree for that.
I work in sustainable projects, made expositions and give conferences at Universities about that, so I'm somewhat involved and talk from inside. That made me know some people. And for wood, some designers tells you, about a furniture they design and made, where and when is that tree come from: This furniture is made from the tree that was in Libertador Av. and fall in the 26 August night in that strong storm.
Now that I began to have some wood pieces, and came a customer, that like them, and is a designer working in sustainability, and gives lectures and classes in Chaco, a very forest area in north Argentina. (To me think of wood there is like to think of sand in the dessert or water in the sea), In the store I try to have reasonable prices in everything, but some of these wood vases are a bit expensive in comparison with others, as glass or ceramic. Then told me that we don't know how the future of the wood will be. How expensive will be.
She said that we don't have an idea on how complex and different will see wood in the future.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2201
20/05/2011 9:34 pm  

I'm confused by your rational, Gustavo
Sustainability doesn't mean that you have leave the tree alive, it means that you can grow more and maintain an evironment and lifecycle that includes them.
Sustain is to maintain, to continue, to support.
Here's the dictionary definition:
1. To keep in existence; maintain.
2. To supply with necessities or nourishment; provide for.
3. To support from below; keep from falling or sinking; prop.
4. To support the spirits, vitality, or resolution of; encourage.
5. To bear up under; withstand: can't sustain the blistering heat.
6. To experience or suffer: sustained a fatal injury.
7. To affirm the validity of: The judge has sustained the prosecutor's objection.
8. To prove or corroborate; confirm.
9. To keep up (a joke or assumed role, for example) competently.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 2534
21/05/2011 3:08 am  

I just realised the clothes p...
I just realised the clothes pegs I use are probably the best recycled thing I use, pretty hum drum but does the job.
Wood as a sustaianble resource, pretty much agree with Olive. Its interesting though how plantations have been getting a bad rap over the last few years, green deserts, monocultures etc which is a bit tiresome, would the green groups prefer the virgin forest up the road get the chop?
There will always be enough wood for the craftsman and niche markets, we can use wood that come from an incosistent or recycled supply that isn't viable for large manufacturers, windblown trees, demolished houses etc, its just everywhere if you know where to look. Its the unethical middle range manufacturers and pulp mills that use wood unsustainably.

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