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bentwood coffeetabl...

bentwood coffeetable  


Noble Member
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 262
05/01/2014 2:00 am  

Ok, last one for now...since I have the tinypic module busy performing...I have bought 3 of these coffeetables in Canada over the rosewood? or walnut veneer with 4 'petals' and two with 3 'petals' and more of a light veneer...I thought they were Canadian but then went to a house call where the lady was from Spain and said she brought it over in a move...
never found another one online despite efforts and hours
sorry, not great pics...the 2nd one is the nicer of the 2 I think, not sure of the wood...
any comments welcome
<img class="wpforo-default-image-attachm

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 6456
05/01/2014 4:47 am  

The leaves are
a) screwed b) glued c) don't know
to a central a) block b) frame c) don't know

Noble Member
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 262
05/01/2014 6:38 am  

edited another image in
hi, sorry, just got in and took a pic...too heavy to move the top by myself so hopefully you can see that there is a square metal brace that all the leaves are screwed thru.
One of the other tables had a little 'leather wrapped cover" that fit into the middle blocking the clear shot thru the center of the table but both other owners denied that theirs did at any time. I think it makes it read a cleaner finish but have no idea if it was original to the pieces or not.
thanks for your time


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