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Arne Vodder model 27 sideboard  

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15/08/2019 8:46 am  


We have a model 27 sideboard designed by Arne Vodder.It was never put into mass production and marketed it is in excellent condition.Could someone put a value on it please.



This topic was modified 6 years ago 4 times by Trebor

Illustrious Member Moderator
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16/08/2019 2:07 pm  

No. Because that‘s not what we do here. You can easily google what other people try to sell it for, you can also google what similar pieces have fetched at auctions. But these prices usually differ greatly. As somebody here put it pretty well: A piece of furniture is worth exactly as much as somebody else is willing to pay for it. 

"People buy a chair, and they don't really care who designed it." (Arne Jacobsen)

leif ericson - Zephyr Renner
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17/08/2019 1:48 pm  

Are you sure this is an Arne Vodder design?  It looks nothing like Arne Vodder to me, so some documentation on this might be important (for the value too).  

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17/08/2019 4:21 pm  

Hi Zephyr

We did contact you through your contact  form on MovableModern with details using robanne21 email

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22/08/2019 5:14 am  

@Leif – the back detail reminds me of a Willy Beck bookcase I saw recently.

See here:

Illustrious Member Moderator
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22/08/2019 10:47 am  

But isn't this walnut? The longer I look at it, the less it looks Danish. But maybe that's just me.

"People buy a chair, and they don't really care who designed it." (Arne Jacobsen)

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22/08/2019 10:58 am  
This is why we are convinced this is a Arne Vodder model 27 sideboard which has been in the family since the 1950s my Grandfather purchased it in London at a  exhibition  it has always been known in the family as the Arne Vodder sideboard.We have had it in our house since 2004 it was moved a couple of weeks ago as we are combining our kitchen and dining room and we noticed the number 27 on the back so we decided to do some research this is what we found.
1/ There are lots of models 25/26/28/29/29A available for sale at dealers no 27
2/Our sideboard is the same width 84" and height 31" as the model 28 and looks the same wood
3/A model 27 does not appear in any catalogue or brochure held by any auction house or dealer we have contacted
4/We have searched the auction results of 4 million items on Mearto and Artnet no model 27
5/Our sideboard was made for export hence the imperial width 84" so we looked at the George Tarnier catalogues no 27
6/we looked in the Danish furniture directory no 27
7/ We contacted Marilyn Palley who started the Danish museum directory and she attributed it to Arne Vodder
8/There is no makers name on the sideboard because it was not intended for sale only exhibiting.
We have come to the conclusion that this sideboard was never mass produced [the dovetails on the drawers are hand cut] and was never marketed and ours is the only one in existence.My Grandparents attended the Ideal Home Exhibition in London throughout the 50s and 60s we know Arne Vodder exhibited in London in 1954 we think my grandfather purchased it after the Exhibition so there would be no shipping costs back to Denmark and it could not be sold in Denmark because it is a imperial size.Because of the amount of work involved in the manufacture and cost of materials solid Rosewood not veneer  the sideboard  proved too expensive to sell in the Uk and they moved on to cheaper to manufacture sideboards.A local dealer has looked at it and considers it to be higher quality than the model 29.  please find attached some more photos.

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22/08/2019 4:17 pm  

Interested in those hand cut doves, all I see are finger/box joints?  Also, everything you have provided seems anecdotal to me.  Not saying that it is not Vodder, but I think you have only convinced yourself of something you wanted to believe, at this point.

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22/08/2019 4:30 pm  


The easy way to prove this is not a Arne Vodder model 27  is to show me a Arne Vodder model 27 .I have attached a picture of the half blind dovetails.


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22/08/2019 5:59 pm  

The dovetail joinery in your photo was machine cut and all of the major panels are veneered.

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23/08/2019 3:54 pm  

Have you ever tried to contact the Sibast family? Or the Vodder family? You can find both online.

"People buy a chair, and they don't really care who designed it." (Arne Jacobsen)

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23/08/2019 4:57 pm  

Been in contact with Anna Sibast,Helge Sibast granddaughter no records that old.Vodder family have not replied

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24/08/2019 2:47 pm  

Yes, the existence of a model 27 Vodder sideboard would resolve the question, as would a catalog page or picture from the exhibition showing your piece as a model 27 sideboard designed by Vodder.

Look you have a good story right now, but that is the extent of it.  I really don't care either way.  If it is a model 27 sideboard designed by Arne Vodder, then we have another waypoint in timeline of Danish design, and you have a valuable piece of history.  If it is not, then you still have a nice, rosewood sideboard.

The point I am trying to make with you, is that all the 'evidence' that you have presented is anecdotal.  You need to separate what you want it to be, from the search effort for what it is.  If you dont, all you will ever find is evidence supporting your desires.

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25/08/2019 1:19 pm  
Lets look at this from a different angle as you are still not convinced this is a Arne Vodder model 27 sideboard.We have in our possession a sideboard which you think is by a unknown designer/ maker please read my following points and see if i can convince you otherwise. 
1/The designer was obviously very talented as it is a very nice sideboard why cant any one put a name forward.
2/He numbered the sideboard 27 what happened to the preceding 26 pieces he designed.
3/The maker must been quite big to have the machinery and skilled workforce to make such a sideboard  again why cant some one put a name forward.
4/The sideboard was made for export hence the imperial size 84 inches i know of only one Danish manufacturer who did this  Sibast with the model 28 designed by vodder and marketed in the US by 
George Tanier
5/What are the chances of a unknown designer/maker numbering a sideboard 27 which is the very number missing from the Arne Vodder Sibast range of sideboards 25-26-  -28-29-29a. 

Illustrious Member Moderator
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25/08/2019 1:37 pm  

But since you asked for valuation in the beginning: The story you have is certainly not enough to justify the price or value of a yet unknown Arne Vodder one of a kind sideboard by Sibast. What I still see here is a rosewood sideboard, probably Danish, by an unknown designer/maker. My opinion.

"People buy a chair, and they don't really care who designed it." (Arne Jacobsen)

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