Design Addict



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Noble Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 277
22/06/2007 4:43 am  

my humble experience is that...
my humble experience is that when designing and you want to fit the golden ratio into your doesn't work. i more believe in that 'stomach' feeling, unexplainable but as a designer you simple can tell when a design has the wright proportions. but it can be that people are influenced by it. but to me golden ratio, modulor, davinci's guy etc and their 'meaning' are rather urban myths

Noble Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 226
27/06/2007 7:58 am  

Sometimes some design profess...
Sometimes some design professionals, or professionals of other fields criticise the way universities are today. Ok, but who creates the style of today's universities? Answer: some other professionals that have decided to work in teaching.
So all the bad guys have become teachers and the good ones are abandoning us students? Puzzled.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2054
27/06/2007 10:09 am  

Not all bad guys are in teaching....
As a matter of fact I have always believed in the simple observation that it is better to have someone who only knows half of his trade but can communicate 90% of that than someone who knows 90% and can only communicate a third of that. This being said, I do think that too many design educations are build around the idea that the bachelor degree takes seven years instead of four...and a few even three. We might regret that and I am certainly amoung the ones that can not understand why we treat education like Readers Digest treats literature. But given that fact I do think that it is a diservice to students to let them educate themselves without the benefit of past knowledge and experience. Antropometrics and dynamic antropometrics is serious and the proper application of it has serious consequences for the users. To throw pieces of history at students and tell them to make up their minds is not what the users expect from designers and the least we can do is to live up to their expectations. I do not mind the analogy with a gym, but as in any respectable gym you expect the "machines" to help you do exercises that are good for the body and not harmfull in the long run.

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