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Zenith rocker marki...

Zenith rocker marking  


Mark O
Eminent Member
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 32
18/08/2015 11:42 pm  

Does anyone know if this is a early zenith rocker? I'm having a hard time finding this specific marking anywhere else online. Any help would be appreciated.
<img class="wpforo-default-image-attachment w

Illustrious Member
Joined: 13 years ago
Posts: 1366
19/08/2015 6:04 am  

Looks like a Zenith rocker to me.
For dating, it would help to see if it has large shock mounts or small ones.
Im guessing by the cover (and the stamp) that it is 1954-55. I'm also guessing that it has small shock mounts, but if they are large it could be a bit earlier. But probably 3rd generation Zenith.
Hope this helps.

New Member
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11/01/2016 4:01 am  

Hi, all. I'm new here and have a similar question.
I have found a shell that claims to be 3rd gen Zenith, but it has no sticker and no stamp that I can see anywhere.
I have done some digging and can't seem to be sure if this usual for 3rd gen Zenith or not. Any ideas?
I've had the guy save it for me, whilst I find out the specifics. Pics attached.
Thanks in advance for any help.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 13 years ago
Posts: 1366
11/01/2016 4:42 am  

Hi Ben,
If this is a 3rd generation Zenith shell, there should be three very small raised dots that form a small triangle dead center between the four shock mounts on the reverse of the shell. (This photo does not allow us to see under the cross bars of the H base, where the dots should be.)
No embossments, no raised letters or other markings at all are indeed consistent with 3rd generation Zenith shells. So it probably is.
The base looks like a 1957 (or later) H base. This combination of base and shell is possible for a 3rd gen Zenith shell, but a bit less likely, so there here is a chance that the base and shell are not an original pairing.
IF the shell does have three dots on the underside, it would be possible that the shell was around 1955 or 56 and the base is 1957, and it is an original pairing.
Making things a bit more complicated is that there are boot glides on this base, which should have the later white plastic glides. It might be that the white glides broke off and the dealer replaced them with boot glides.
(Boot glides are usually associated with approximately 1953-1955 bases, so IF these boot glides are original to the base, the base would be a very early H base, even before the 1956 H bases which had rubber and metal swivel glides.)
The main thing is look for the three dots in the fiberglass. The rest is just supporting evidence.
Also, the shell appears so new and shiny that it looks a little TOO good-- so you might also ask if it has been recoated with penetrol. If it has been recoated, I would wait for one that has not been refinished. If not recoated, it is in extremely good shape.
Hope this helps

New Member
Joined: 2027 years ago
Posts: 3
11/01/2016 5:04 am  

Thanks for the quick reply and wealth of knowledge. I have seen many of your comments on here before signing up and finally posting, you have helped me out many times without evening knowing. So thanks a lot. It looks to have been re-coated but I don't mind that, as I often do it myself on the shells I get.


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