Design Addict


Your goal in collec...

Your goal in collecting  

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Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2967
15/10/2013 12:17 am  

Important message to Mark.
I had four drinks that I wanted to put on your tab Mark and the waitress said you closed your tab out.
Now I am out $40.00 and a $10.00 tip.
Please let us all know when last call is...... Thanks.
Since I have all the modern design furniture a house can hold plus thousands of collections of cool stuff, I too was forced to move on sadly.
Now I like shoes, Alligator cowboy boots and lots of Ralph Lauren purple label and of course lots of eyeglasses.
must be something in the drink.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 13 years ago
Posts: 1395
15/10/2013 12:40 am  

Collecting is an addiction,
plain and simple. I am 51 years old and I own 6 houses on two continents and every single one of them is filled with awesome stuff. I am so bad that I KEEP BUYING HOUSES to put my stuff in!
Do I need any more furniture? Of course not. Will I keep buying/selling/trading? Of course I will. I went to an auction THIS MORNING and bought the cutest, little french nightstand with two sliding doors you've ever seen. (And a set of 16 cognac glasses for 15 francs, just to keep my husband happy).
Do I have anywhere to put this nightstand? No. It's still in the back of my truck. Will I find somewhere to put this little beauty? Yes, I will just trade out something else and take the "something else" right back to the auction house where I bought its' replacement.
My philosophy? There are many other things that are much worse that I could be addicted to.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 4586
15/10/2013 1:47 am  

So sorry, LRF!
Send my gal the the bill...and she'll take care of it pronto. So glad to hear the highballs are still a bargain in Tulsa. I'm paying $13.50 per drink (vodka and tonic) here on Palm a 30% grat. But the bartender usually stacks one up "on the house". I know every bartender on the Avenue...I think.
Always drinking, never thinking, probably stinking,
Aunt Mark
ps bar is open, order up fo' shizzle.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 4586
15/10/2013 2:50 am  

Riki, darling.
You are simply fabulous. Your man is luckier than a set of identical twins.
Fo' shizzle!!,
Aunt Mark

Prominent Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 168
15/10/2013 4:24 am  

5 great things...
I've been following this string and really enjoying it. Unlike Rikki, I have one house, and every corner is filled with stuff. Some good, some better and one best. I love the hunt. I like like-minded people. Most of the time, once I've found it, researched it. I'm more or less done. I want five great things in every room and the rest of the space, filled with air. It may be a passing fancy, but, I really have to ask myself..."how much great pottery do I need?" Also, I've found my attention moving towards furniture. After reading all the posts here, I'm inspired to find good pieces. Relatively speaking, I know very little about many makers and the prospect of learning, excites me! You only have yourselves to blame for lighting the fire! 😉

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 4586
15/10/2013 4:37 am  

5 great things in every room?
That would be you.... and 4 great things, sweetie.
Aunt Mark

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2967
15/10/2013 5:08 am  

35 years
This is what 35 years of non stop hunting for midcentury modern furniture is all about , I have been searching almost everyday looking for the best original furniture I could find. I was not happy sending the furniture out to be recovered so i started my own shop. To make sure it was done like it was suppose to be. If you are young and starting out have fun. DO NOT BUY JUNK .Only buy furniture with a name or good design. If you think it is Junk more than likely it is. Today 99% percent of the people pedaling
MCM furniture know what they are selling so never assume they are dumb and you stole it.
One thing this furniture will last a life time as it is already on its 2nd lifetime.
It has been a fun 35 years hopefully I will acquire another home out of the city i live in and start over.

Famed Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 395
15/10/2013 5:31 am  

Wow, all of your comments mak...
Wow, all of your comments make me feel like an infant collector since I only started doing that 10 months ago. It's so therapeutic to know other "crazy" people are out there as that's often how my friends look at me with my hobby. I must admit that my one and only house is somewhat cluttered at this point as I have such a hard time letting things go. Oh, did I mention we're expecting our first born in a few months? My wife is nice enough to let me turn one of the rooms into my man's cave in which the clutter can develop instead. I'll probably just hold into my precious pieces until the last square inch in the room runs out.

Prominent Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 168
15/10/2013 3:45 pm  

thanks Mark!

Illustrious Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 1155
15/10/2013 6:31 pm  

my choice
When I was a child my father used to tell me about the Collyer brothers and much later, as a young man, I saw the movie Citizen Kane. I decided to make my role model the latter as opposed to the former. There is no such thing as too much or enough.
Congratulations on collecting an attractive wife. I assume (a dangerous thing) that has been your best find.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2967
17/10/2013 9:50 am  

nice guy
You got that comment correct. My wife is the greatest find I could ever get. My wife is my best friend and greatest admirer and adviser one could ever have. Although I have been collecting over 30 years and had a warehouse full of every MCM piece of furniture and cool stuff one could imagine. She transformed this home that was mine to ours and gave it a look ready for any magazine. She got rid of the wild wall colors and told me to let the furniture and artwork stand on its own not orange walls. She took the original designer furniture and covered it in a central theme rather than a red chair,purple bench, yellow sofa brown chair.Pink and yellow dining chairs . So sometimes it pays to have the womans touch, the great thing, I did not have to pay for that advise Just had to pay for the $200,000 renovation!!!!

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