Design Addict


Worst buy ever.  


Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 431
20/10/2006 10:40 pm  

Have any of you ever bought something that you couldnt live without only to have it turn sour?,i bought a beautiful rug once,it was a kind of white sand colour,the problem was that i have concrete floors and this rug would get dirty just by existing! it was totally impractical.After six months or so i hated the sight of it,my dog sleeps on it now.

andee (USA)
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21/10/2006 5:49 am  

yes, a drexel $2500 chest of...
yes, a drexel $2500 chest of it for $550 due to some minor it, but its not me..needless to say, its a traditional style..and i am a strictly contemporary..just could not pas up this bargain!

Illustrious Member
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21/10/2006 9:39 am  

Paintings were my downfall for awhile...
I bought some things I really hated thinking they "might" be by valuable artists. I would run to Davenports and see if I had struck gold. Mostly they were not and even when they were they still offended my eye. And I disliked the drudgery of selling something I thought was ugly. I only buy what I like now and am much happier.

Illustrious Member
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Posts: 558
22/10/2006 12:03 am  

In the late 90s I bought a pair of pleated, acid-washed jeans with leather(ish) pockets for about $100.

Illustrious Member
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Posts: 558
22/10/2006 12:04 am  

That should be "late-80s"...which makes more sense but still is one of my worst buys ever.

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30/10/2006 7:41 pm  

The Couch....
It was 1995 and I had to have this red velvet couch. It was soft and caught your eye when you walked into a room. I got a great deal on it which made it even more of a got to have DEAL. I put it in my office waiting room people would compliment me on the great contrast it gave (which it did look good) but the minute they turned around all you could see was the red velvet lint all over the backs of their designer clothes! Not a cool move. I decided I better get rid of it before I started getting the dry cleaning bills.. God forbid anyone sit on it when coming out of the rain or snow it would fade all over their clothes! The couch that was made for looking not sitting..

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31/10/2006 1:02 am  

Yes..ive a good one..
Always wanted an Arco lamp..bought one the other week as it was at a good price..all the way home i was virtually floating..then i got home and know what dont you? too small!.lamp now wedged into sitting room corner touching ceiling and comes out to middle of room..totally impracticle.. im now considering moving to a bigger house..not such a bargain and i wish i had never seen it.

Noble Member
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Posts: 265
31/10/2006 1:20 am  

Bertoia diamond chair
One of my worst buys ever was a Bertoia Diamond Chair at an auction. It was old, probably 60's, and had the original yellow vinyl cover which was very beat up and torn and dirty. The fabric underneath was in poor condition, as was the foam.
I didn't take the cover off to inspect the wire mesh. I usually am mnore careful but I'd kinda gotten my heart set on getting the chair and didn't want to bother with details, I guess. Anyway, a dealer was there and he bid against me and I ended up paying about $150 for it. I figured I could make a new cover myself.
Well. I took the cover off when i got home and found that there were several breaks in the mesh, a few small pieces were missing and some other places had been repaired with soldering or welding. Uh oh.
Then I shopped around for foam and fabric and ended up spending probably about $100 on that, maybe more. And I could NOT figure out how to make that damn cover! I used the old one as a pattern but I think the foam in the real ones is molded on forms or something. I tried and tried to get it right and couldn't even come close.
Finally I gave up and sold the chair alone on Ebay for something like $90. And now I'm never going to think about it ever again!

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13/11/2006 11:07 pm  

A Hicks rug
I bought a hicks rug and then all of a sudden, his designs aesthetic is showing up EVERYWHERE!


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