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Wishbone weave  


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30/08/2010 5:28 am  

I know that someone here knows how to weave the wishbone chair. Please help, I need to know the pattern of the weave and if there is anything else tricky. I?m loosing my mind!

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31/08/2010 5:49 pm  

Get a copy of The Caner's...
Get a copy of The Caner's Handbook, which is still in print and easy to find online. It has very clear instructions for weaving this type of seat.
But as I said in the other thread where you asked about this, it's a very diffcult seat to weave well, especially with papercord. You must keep the turns exactly square. There's really no room for error.
Good luck.

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31/08/2010 5:59 pm  

I got the book as you said...
I got the book as you said in the other thread but it doesn?t have instructions for the wishbone. The wishbone is different then other chairs of the same basic weave as the front and back rails are lower then the side rails and the front of the chair is rapped rather then woven to the sides. This slight difference makes the chair completely different and the book useless which is way I started a new thread. I need help, I?m not afraid of a difficult project but I do need advise as to where to start. Thanks for your advice though as the book is great for other projects and your other advice will help a lot I?m sure.

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03/09/2010 10:33 pm  

Oh, right...
...that pesky feature of the Wegner chairs with this kind of weave. I ran into the same problem with my rocker. I assumed it wasn't any big deal when I ripped out the original (stained) seat so I didn't pay close attention to how those front corner were wrapped, otherwise I would have taken a lot of photos.
As I recall, I started out wrapping each end of the front rail and then proceeding with the seat weave. One corner looked exactly right but the the first strand on the other dipped lower than subsequent strands and ruined the look. I redid it several times, thinking I'd screwed up the direction somehow, but it wasn't that. Finally I just wrapped the front rail separately and tacked the ends, then started the seat weaving with a separate length of cord with the end tacked out of sight. Pain in the ass and I don't think it's correct, but it looked ok in the end.
I really would like to know how the originals are woven but I don't have much chance of finding one intact that I can undo for analysis.

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03/09/2010 10:44 pm  

Here are some pics of what...
Here are some pics of what I'm talking about. That triangular void framed by the front rail, seat weave and side post is just so perfect. I kept coming out with the seat strand a little lower on one side where I brought it up from the wrapping on the rail. I don't have pics of mine. I kind of hate looking at it, to tell you the truth.

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04/09/2010 4:58 am  

Thanks Spanky
I ordered the cord from Franks; I think your suggestion and told him I was weaving the wishbone, so hopefully he gives me a few pointers. I can?t wait to get the cord and give it another try. All of my chairs were re-woven with rush and totally incorrectly and looked like, well they looked bad. The chairs were not only re-wove but were stained and stained they were. If I can make this happen I will try to post some pictures. Thanks

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06/09/2010 4:30 am  

anyone else?
anyone else?

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17/09/2010 3:25 am  

Does this look correct to...
Does this look correct to anyone who has done it before? I just rapped the front sections and tacked them separately and started with a tack on the back rail and finished in on the back with a tack.

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20/01/2012 1:23 am  

the annoying wishbone
I am trying my 1st wishbone and I am wishing...praying.
Note on last diagram that the weaving begins in an unusual way.
The intension is to get both the front corners to create the triangle, meaning that you pull under the front left corner and across and under the right. I don't yet know how this will develop.
I wish I didn't take the job.


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