an architect formerly known as Prince, er, a part of Sci-ARC in LA, gets a big write-up in the VF with Mother Natrix Madonna on the cover.
Wiull talks a green game, but it seems to me he's getting an awfully lot of mileage out of glass curtain walls and sodding a roof. We've had glass walls since the beginning of the modern, and we've had sodded roofs since Mad Dogs and Englishman built quaint cottages in the Cottswalds.
I'm not disliking, or disrespecting Will's work, but I'm not seeing his work as ground breaking, or earth shattering (both puns intended).
Cradle to Cradle
While I have some reservations about his architecture, I think he's a pretty visionary character in lots of other ways. His company MBCD ( has some pretty radical and challenging ideas about recycling and so-called green issues, which are fully expounded in his book (with Michael Braungart) called Cradle To Cradle. Check it! It's not even printed on paper; instead it's printed on a synthetic material, for reasons which are explained in the book...
Very glad you are finding con...
Very glad you are finding considerably more to him than you thought dc. Can't remember if McDonough was referenced in some of the recent discussion Olive initiated, but if not he should have been. Here is a video link to a recent presentation.
You will need to get through three or four seconds of annoying music and a BMW ad, but what follows, I think, is very worthwhile.
i had
sung praises about cradle to cradle in (i believe) olive's thread. i am now waiting for a promised critique by koen. i hope i dont get knocked down too hard. It is one of the few things i have read in a long time that gives me any real hope that we could possibly dig out of our environmental insanity.
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