Design Addict


Why Not AntiquesAdd...

Why Not  


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24/06/2006 6:04 pm  

As an online auction house Luckner's specialises in modern/ contemporary design and antiques. We have found Design Addict to be an excellent tool for both promoting ourselves and getting help with various questions from clients that we can't answer ourselves. I hold this forum in the highest regard; because people generally don't abuse it and everyone in here has a passion for design that is immeasurable.

The problem for us, that we don't have anything like this when it comes to antiques. I have trawled the net for forums and discussion boards etc and there simply isn't anything of use. There are a lot of auction and antique forums, but all of them are about eBay, mobile ring tones, and IT equipment.

My questions are: Does anyone know of a site like DesignAddict, but for antiques? Would it not be an idea for the managers of DesignAddict to make a sister site purely about antiques??

Simon Luckner

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24/06/2006 7:07 pm  

the idea seems solid
but I must admit it gives me a giggle to think about a forum where arguments are raging about whether Louis XIII or Louis XVI furniture is more suited to a restored country chateau.
I think one of the reasons DesignAddict works so well is because us design addicts are fairly...well.. dorky. ( I have no problems admitting it) There seems to be a certain level of fanatacism that grips the MCM crowd that is absent in traditional antiques. And I think that is what drives the forum so much: returning fanatics.
Just my humble opinion.

Illustrious Member
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25/06/2006 12:59 am  

MCM is a living design tradition...Antique design is not...
Design Addict works, IMHO, because there are designers, collectors and consumers who are continuing to breath life into a living tradition of modernist design. There is something to debate about modernism. The debate is about how best to carry modernism forward. There are still some great minds at work in the field. Some of them take time to interact with each other here and with groundlings like me. Unless you find a body of designers, collectors and consumers seeking to revive and evolve the antique tradition of design (whatever that might be), the way this bunch seeks to sustain and evolve modernism, an AntiqueAddict web site would not function in remotely the same fashion. Find another living tradition of design populated with talented, dedictated and passionate designers working in that tradition, and you can model Design Addict with considerable success.

azurechicken (USA)
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25/06/2006 3:20 am  

of the two...for the country...

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26/06/2006 2:58 pm  

I Still Think it Could Work
There are some very valid points and the most valid is probably the fact that most of the people we're talking about on DesignAddict are alive and kicking.
Obviously a forum about art and antiques would be much much larger than this one, because there's a lot more ground to cover, but I still think that with a bit of organization one could create a good and interesting antiques forum. But how?

Noble Member
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Posts: 294
27/06/2006 2:21 am  

Um... have you tried...
Um... have you tried
OK, not exactly what you were describing but... certainly there is something out there. And if not, then a good reason for some interested soul like yourself to start one.

Noble Member
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27/06/2006 4:15 am  

Use google to search for Forum/BB software, then go to their community page (a forum site for forum sites) and search for Antique Furniture.

Noble Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 294
27/06/2006 4:44 am  

Forum sites for forum software (there are tons):
The website for vBulletin appears to be down...
Others include:
(I also realize there has been a lot of consolidation recently in this crowded market. There use to be dozens. InfoPop, Eve Community, and Ultimate Bulletin Board are now consolidated as Groupee; OpenBB is up on the block; and other such mergers.)


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