Design Addict


Who's stirring Sh**...

Who's stirring Sh**??  

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They are NO ANGELS!
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10/09/2009 11:09 pm  

Hi my friend in India is...
Hi my friend in India is planning a full this space! I also have some other friends hot on the case..this will be a long job!!

They are NO ANGELS!
Active Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 16
27/09/2009 1:39 pm  

New News...
Watch out folks.. The Angels from on Hell are at it again They are buying items now collecting them under the name of Tanya and taking them directly to Trading Standards for testing.

Illustrious Member
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27/09/2009 2:32 pm  

please clarify
How have you found this out?

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27/05/2010 12:58 am  

I wonder has all gone quiet?

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27/05/2010 3:13 am  

Hmmm, I remeber that DeSed sofa from heaven...
I too was contacted several times out of the blue with some stranger brandishing me a criminal by selling vintage soft all know the story!
Anyway...I figured that the angles had descended upon me and kept a close eye on them, and when I found the Desede sofa they were selling sent them a polite question asking if it were safe or would it spontaneously combust as soon as I put on some toast, flicked a light switch, etc...
The heavenly body replied that it was fine as it is leather and doesn't burn...?
Oh leather can burn given sufficient heat, it is merely skin...just like ours, maybe a little thicker, but still just skin!
I burn!
Tit for tat!

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27/05/2010 3:17 am  

We could have them removed for keyword spamming!!!
They use keywords in the listing titles that are not related to the item. A sure fire way to get them taken down.
Lets get em cowards!

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27/05/2010 5:09 pm  

Its sad I know of atleast 5 dealers who have given up up on ebay due to the bullying and false accusations. Ebay really are cowards.

Rosie Blue
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27/05/2010 10:14 pm  

I have had a run in with these people in the past on ebay and they aren't a nice bunch really. Bullying is petty and childish and it amazes me that they are still at it. It makes me sad.

Illustrious Member
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29/05/2010 2:46 am  

in stead of
sitting on your laurels bet up and do something about it.
I did and faced the shit coming my way, but at least i decided to stand up and be counted!

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29/05/2010 6:25 pm  

It seems there only problem is competition they seem to have a real problem with other people selling similar items there argument that other people have stolen there style is quite bizare I would be interested to know what there design addict name is? Surely they must have the worst reputation in the mid century business?

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