Design Addict


Who's stirring Sh**...

Who's stirring Sh**??  

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Illustrious Member
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03/09/2009 2:02 am  

I have been told by various sources that someone in the UK is stirring the pot in regards to BS5852 fire safety regulations and making threats to ebay sellers.

I have spent the best part of 7 years trying to persuade the DTI that the rules are fu**ed up and been in and out of more court rooms than I care to mention.

So if you want any info come to the source and ask.

I am very helpful but if you want to stir up sh** because you got stung then expect nothing but disregard!!

Robert Leach
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03/09/2009 2:35 am  

I have an idea
I've emailed you Simon

Illustrious Member
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03/09/2009 3:49 am  

No idea what you're talking about...
But it sounds like fun???!!!

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03/09/2009 3:52 am  

I have an idea too Simon,...
I have an idea too Simon, please mail me - mail at retrosixty dot co dot uk.

They are NO ANGELS!
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05/09/2009 1:15 pm ars*
Shame on them.. xxx the "nasty bunch"..No one likes them "they don't care" latest nasty random attacks on fellow traders.. the "we are better than anyone else and invented e bay" bastards are setting up fake accounts on e bay buying other traders items then leaving them negative feedback... That and spending their days calling every trading standards office in the country saying they are concerned members of the public. (edited by Design Addict - no names please)

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05/09/2009 1:43 pm  

they've been on my case a few times...
and had my listings removed from Ebay. Sent me emails pretending to be a member of the public asking about fire safety etc. Have a very funny story relating to this but not willing to divulge on here!!

Robert Leach
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05/09/2009 1:52 pm  

amuses me when they talk about scouring the country for the finest things to bring to their customers when they buy a lot of it on ebay anyway

They are NO ANGELS!
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05/09/2009 2:48 pm  

Buying name xxx.. Everyone I know has had some horrible experience with them. Did you all ever see the pictures of the dope on the De Sede Element a while back trying to be Britains Next Supermodel! Funny
(edited by Design Addict - no names please)

They are NO ANGELS!
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05/09/2009 3:05 pm  

Lets Zap them..Any Ideas?????
Sorry to cross post! This is another they use too! xxx We should all get together and Zap Them !
(edited by Design Addict - no names please)

They are NO ANGELS!
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05/09/2009 3:14 pm  

Summon the Angels... let 's bring them down to the ground!
We all know about their lets play some on them. SOLIDARITY fellow traders! You know what to do!

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05/09/2009 5:45 pm  

the funniest thing is...
...they used to sell their non-fire rated furniture to the public at Kempton Market where they would have no come back as they had no ebay records etc of the sale. Where was their moral fibre then?? I smell a whiff of hipocrisy on the retro wind...

Robert Leach
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05/09/2009 5:55 pm  

still sell it on ebay, they just leave out the guff about fire regulations!

They are NO ANGELS!
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05/09/2009 6:24 pm  

E Bay are Pulling Leather Furniture Now under Hazardous Goods
It's the road to ruin for us all as they are pulling Leather Furniture now under "Hazourdous Goods". I have had 7 auctions pulled. It's a good job she wasn't born in the 1800's as there would be no antiques or history left for us to appreciate today. This Fire Regulation Stuff is Bullshit..If my mother can legally sell her old Sofa and I can't bacause I am a "Business" How can that be right? For me it's completely banned on this island or it's not

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05/09/2009 6:38 pm  

ideas above their station
Yes, I agree with the general feeling of this thread. There is no need run down other dealers or eBay sellers. We're all in the same boat, all trying to make living, after the same pieces and all competing against each other. It's just business and we all like to sell, package, photo and describe our products in the most attractive way possible to maximise profits. I get annoyed and fed up when I see other dealers doing better than me or finding things cheaply or whatever it might be that annoys me that particular day. Go to any auction and you'll hear people slagging other dealers off all the time - we've all done it, I'm sure, and I think that's probably human nature. I just don't understand the need to try and intimidate other dealers or run them down in this ridiculous blurb that accompany their eBay ads. The obviously very high opinion they have of themselves is difficult enough to stomach, but the stuff about others endangering the lives of their customers is absolutely surreal. I do think that at the heart of it is a belief that they are in some way pioneers or blazing a trail, despite the fact that I think antique dealers have probably been in existence for a good few hundred years. They obviously take themselves very seriously indeed yet still need to slate others to feel good about themselves. It is incredibly mean spirited and suggests a good deal of bitterness on their behalf. It is all very strange, bizarre and unltimately pathetic.

They are NO ANGELS!
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05/09/2009 6:49 pm  

Well said! Thats just the face of it..the ugly side of them has been boiling up behind the scenes, they have been chipping away at certain traders under fake names and address buying items and getting them delivered to fake address..then messing up peoples feedback with lies. I have heard too many of these stories from people recently and something has got to be done about this.

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