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Who wanted a Le Cor...

Who wanted a Le Corbusier ?  


Robert Leach
Illustrious Member
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18/04/2008 2:03 pm  


here's one for sale 😉

Illustrious Member
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18/04/2008 3:07 pm  

Nice finding.
Thanks Robert!
Is it really the Villa Stein?!!, After villa Savoie, It,s like the ,,mona lisa,, for 1.000.000 quite affordable!
But says ,,,the property has since been sympathetically divided into apartments,,,
Is it like dividing the mona lisa in 4 or 6 parts-sub pictures? And if it,s divided in 6 parts again, it will be more affordable!
No, just joking, some amount of pragmatism it,s understandable. Very interesting to see it in person. I,d like to be in Paris to make an excursion!.
P.S.: Does Americans imagine the falling water divided into apartments?

Illustrious Member
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18/04/2008 7:58 pm  

Sold-I'll take it!
Just kidding-I only wish! Awesome,awesome,awesome!By US standards,pretty reasonable.too!

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08/05/2008 4:07 pm  

I,m still thinking it,s a bargain!
Does anybody know how much a comparable apartment in Paris cost?
Let,s say same neighborhood, similar area (sq feet), but just not designed by Le Corbusiser...?
About "The Modern House estate agents"..
Congratulations, I think they are doing a great job, Amazing work they are doing...
Very professional(thanks Robert for sharing).
Dear Robert, it seems you,ve been watching/following some of those thing since sometime ago, Perhaps you know a little more between design /architecture / real estate?

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09/05/2008 11:27 pm  

God you couldn't buy a...
God you couldn't buy a nondescript 2 bed house in a bad area for that price here in Dublin ! That's a giveaway price. Is it a set price or an auction start price Robert?
A beautiful house indeed!

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09/05/2008 11:28 pm  

I said 'price' four times in a three lined post, my english teacher would be ashamed 🙁

Robert Leach
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09/05/2008 11:31 pm  

Is Dublin really that expensive ?
It isn't an auction, but listed for sale at £775,000 (1,080,000 Euros)

Robert Leach
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Posts: 3212
10/05/2008 2:21 am  

Sorry, Gustavo..just seen your post
I am not in real estate or property..or even architecture
I lecture in Fashion Design, but my first love is architecture/ interiors..well, just design in general I guess..
I keep my eye on the property market too!
I buy and sell Twentieth century design as a second income/ hobby too 🙂

Illustrious Member
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11/05/2008 4:59 pm  

Robert, You keep your eye on the property market very good. You made very nice findings!
I also like to do it. And when I see an interesting architectural building on sale, I try to visit it to see it with my own eyes, and to ,,feel,, it, to know if it is really architecture or just another building.
Fashion design, how interesting!, I don,t know so much about it, but it could be nice a comparison Fashion design-industrial design-architecture. With the little I know, I see Interesting differences? Someday may be!
Wait wait..
And what about owning a masterpiece between the DA fellows?
Such as a holyday central house or something like that? 🙂
I mean divide it in 52, 52 weeks..
So each week will cost 20769,23 Euros.
52 times more affordable?
Tulipman? Robert? Luna? Maybe?
Anybody else wants a week?

Honorable Member
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 132
12/05/2008 12:37 am  

Sigh, nice idea Gustavo :-)...
Sigh, nice idea Gustavo 🙂 ...but there'd be fights over who gets which week 🙁


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