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Where do you buy sc...

Where do you buy sculpture?  

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Lit Up
Illustrious Member
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20/02/2011 2:54 am  

Hey guys,

Just wondering what to look for and where in the way of sculpture. I'm into stuff made of bronze or wood on a marble base. Abstracts, impressionist nudes, nothing overtly realist... and I hate animals. Most of the stuff on eBay is absolutely appalling... small and tacky, looks like it was made of copper, but eBay seems so good for other midcentury stuff. So just wondering what to look for on the 'Bay or where to look if off that site.

Illustrious Member
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20/02/2011 5:03 am  

Might be too far from the UK, but...
There is some killer good sculpture out here in Santa Fe NM. If you are interested I'll post some links for you.

Illustrious Member
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20/02/2011 5:25 am  

I usually
Go to my local Sculpture-Mart.

Illustrious Member
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20/02/2011 8:14 am  

Step up your game
Lit Up,
Why not attempt to step up your game from eBay to Chritie's and Sotheby's. I am sure that they will be able to satisfy your discriminating taste and specific requirements.

Lit Up
Illustrious Member
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20/02/2011 2:48 pm  

Olive, please post some...
Olive, please post some links.
'niceguy' the reason I don't go to auction houses is that I don't have the cash to spend thousands on sculpture.

Famed Member
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20/02/2011 5:28 pm  

Not all sculpture that sells through auction houses sells for "thousands"
Look online for auction houses that deal in mid-century... look at their online catalogs... look at the estimates... bid what you can afford. There are plenty of bargains to be had. Plus, perusing auction catalogs will be good for you.
But, I'm guessing you're too impatient to be an auction house bottom-feeder, Lit Up. Ideally, one should first see a sculpture they'd like to own THEN consider buying, rather than deciding to buy in advance of seeing something they'd like to own.
Unless your main objective in owning art is in appearing to be the type of person who owns art, for the sake of visitors. Analyze your desire to own a sculpture.

Illustrious Member
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20/02/2011 5:59 pm  

I think you are unnecessarily rude. There is no reason to question WHY a poster wants something. We could all say the same thing about one another ..."oh you just want an Eames lounger because ..."
Perhaps we should keep the focus on the objects and design itself, rather than the personal validity of our members no?
I don't know much about sculpture either, and I see this as a decent question. I have wondered and wanted to own sculpture before as well. Not to show off, but sometimes only paintings can get boring and having some 3 dimension art can be fun.
How is Lit Up supposed to "see first, buy next" if he/she doesn't know where to look?
Pull your panties out of your tight @ss and answer the question or walk. It's that simple. Now if anyone has an actual answer I am actually curious to hear it.

Famed Member
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20/02/2011 6:15 pm  

I really didn't intend my answer to be "rude", Whitespike
If it comes off that way, forgive me, Lit Up.
I offered my best suggestion-- auction houses.
And, my suggestion that Lit Up analyze his/ her motive was a sound one, I think. I imagine that all of us -- at some point in our lives-- have found ourselves decorating for the sake of the "status" it will convey to visitors.

Eminent Member
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20/02/2011 6:27 pm  

out of africa
The mid-century sculpture selection on eBay is pretty bad, you're right. But we've had some luck in the antique>ethnographic sections, particularly Africa. Lots of junk of course, but also some amazing abstract forms in everything from Dinka head-rests to primitive dolls. Works well in our Danish Mod house, not too expensive, and adds a lot of flavor ...

Illustrious Member
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20/02/2011 6:56 pm  

Agreed... African art and sculpture complements the modern aesthetic quite nicely. "Authentic" items are increasingly difficult to come by and/or rather expensive, but there are plenty of more affordable options that are specifically made for the collector's market.
Generally speaking, anything can be found on eBay. Looking for sculptures can be as much of a task as looking for any other form of art. However, if you have some idea of your preferences, it does narrow the field down to make the search much more manageable.

Robert Leach
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20/02/2011 7:20 pm  

Brian Willsher?... Bitossi?
both about the £75 mark and stylish.

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20/02/2011 7:36 pm  

Not rude
I read your reply and I thought it was toughtful and rather kind. I myself do not suffer contempt prior to investigation well. For the poster to assumes that everything at Sotheby's and Christie's cost thousands without first checking fits that definition. I seem to remember that Sotheby's in particular had what they called "Gallery Auctions" that contained material they received from large estates that did not fit their regular catagories. These auctions were rather reasonable and did not "cost thousands". It was the vey same thing with the post on corner desk and cracked leather...a desire to hear the answer they believe is correct and reject all others. Perhaps people without disposbale income should not be shopping is the first place.

Lit Up
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20/02/2011 7:57 pm  

Thanks very much for your responses...
I will check out the links as suggested.
As for WHY I want to buy sculpture... WHC that's a stupid question. To enhance the aesthetic and aura of my home first and foremost for myself, and secondly for others I may bring here. Did you really need to ask? I think it's the same for any personal buyer.
It does not seem obvious to me why one should resort to Sothebys and Christies when one can buy valuable objects (including $5k HM Eames chairs) on eBay. You can buy lamps, danish sofas, teak furniture of all kinds, objects large and small on eBay... cheap and expensive, good quality and poor... but the sculpture selection seems to be consistently poor, and I can't figure out why that is.
As for me wanting to buy before I can see - people are often looking for items to compliment their home, even if they do not have a specific item in mind. Hence why somebody decides to buy something in 'midcentury style' because they have objects that are already in that style. I already own sculptural objects, and I know that I like them made of good materials ie hotcast bronze, or solid wood, or marble, generally speaking heavy and large but not dominating, produced in relatively small numbers and not to be found on every high street, costing no more than £250 ($400) per piece.
This is generally speaking a very helpful forum. There is frequent rudeness from one or two perpetrators but then again that's the case with ALL internet forums. "Perhaps people without disposbale income should not be shopping in the first place." 'niceguy' do you say that to people's faces? As usual your posts add no value whatsoever, and I would prefer you did not reply to my posts, assuming that is not too much to ask.

Illustrious Member
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20/02/2011 7:57 pm  

This thread had some good...
This thread had some good sculpture insight

Illustrious Member
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20/02/2011 8:29 pm  

nice try
I too like the Aldo Londi, Birds for Bitossi (my choice is bone white), but if your read Lit Up's original post "he hates animals". He appears to be a very discerning individual.

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