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Where is Mr. De Win...

Where is Mr. De Winter?  


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17/02/2006 11:29 pm  

I have in the past seen Koen De Winter's Juice Jugs and mugs at the MoMA. For the last few years I have not been able to locate them and so I figured they were simply not on display but in the permanent collection nonetheless. I just serached for him on MoMA's website, but caanot find him or his products. Has he disappeared?

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18/02/2006 12:33 am  

Mr. Koen De Winter
HippoDesign Inc
19, route 321 Sud
JOV 1WO Québec
Found this info by visiting

Illustrious Member
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18/02/2006 1:00 am  

I hope...
I am not disappearing soon but I think that it is common practice in the permanent collection to have some rotation of products. I had the pleasure to see the jug on display to and it was quite a proud moment for my parents to see it at their first and last visit to New York. My mother who was a champion in keeping us modest commented by saying: "...I do not think you deserv to be here but you certainly have the right connections..."
This being said, I think that the MoMA gives, rightfully so, more attention to designers that have more than one piece in the collection, and ones you are in they invite you to submit other products. In spite of the fact that I did better products later on, I never did submit them because I always thought that having a small place in the permanent collection was more than enough for one person...or was it because of my dear mother...

Illustrious Member
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18/02/2006 6:05 am  

Ah, yes,
Like Mother Like Son. Well, there are worse "defects" than modesty. Perhaps you'll have a free and even (Heaven forfend) self-indulgent old age. . .!
I too had an early and no doubt undeserved "product placement" at MoMA -- due entirely to the fact that my junior high school art teacher's husband was in charge of education at the museum. A basement show of childrens' art included an early mobile of mine. It didn't go to my head, as I recall -- in fact this may be the third or fourth time I've ever mentioned it.
Wait -- this isn't about me. . .for shame !

Illustrious Member
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18/02/2006 9:20 am  

Mothers and offspring are one of the truly strange evolutionary developments...
Vessels talking to contents linked first by a flesh umbilical and then by a psychological one. Both locked in an eternal struggle to separate and a need to stay connected somehow. Now we are getting down beneath the ideas about design to marrow of it.

Illustrious Member
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18/02/2006 5:01 pm  

Dear SDR
You are too modest! Achievements as a child are not less important that later on! By the way I have colleagues that make reference to the MoMA collection in their CV's although they never reached the museum floor or confused the MoMA store with the permanent collection...not to talk about those who pretend not to be there because of "...the lack of vision of the curators..."

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 3499
18/02/2006 8:15 pm  

I would assume it is correct ...
I would assume it is correct that they rotate objects. When I visited late last year there were pieces missing that I know to be part of the pemanent collection.


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