Design Addict


Wheeled, out in the...

Wheeled, out in the open Trash Basket sought...  


Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2358
21/10/2006 4:34 pm  

Its time for trash to come out of the broom closet and under sink cabinet. I'm sick of short trash baskets stuck in cabinets always just out of reach of whatever I'm doing in the kitchen. I want a tall, trash basket on wheels with a modernist look that I can kick around the kitchen to where ever I'm working. It has to look good when not in use...accept a trash bag as a liner...and it has to be effortless to remove and install the trash bags. I'm sick of overflowing trash baskets hiding in cabinets. If one has been designed, where is it? If one has not been designed, I want it to be called "Nomad." It should be designed to look like Nomad in the Shattner era Star Trek. Nomad was this cylindrical robot that floated around Enterprise in one episode. It had a design flaw, however. It vaporized anyone that interfered with its prime directive to serve the creator. Leave that flaw out, but give me Nomad in the kitchen. Every time I kick it into position, it should say in a wonderfully tacky sci-fi computer voice, "I am Nomad: You are the creator." If Nomad doesn't get it, then how about "Kickbasket?" Regardless, I want it out of the closet and on the kitchen floor on casters ready to receive my detritus. If its out there, then I'll have to empty it regularly, too...all to the good.


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